A cave is an area or space under the surface of the Earth, in hillsides, or in cliff walls. Most of the time, caves are a system of connected underground passageways.
It’s kind of like an underground maze! It takes a long, long time for a cave to form, because the natural processes that make a cave are very slow.
Over time, acid eats away at the rock and dissolves it, forming a cave passage. Most of these caves take more than 100,000 years to grow big enough to fit a human!
Caves called lava tubes are formed when a volcano erupts and lava flows across Earth’s surface.
Sea caves form when movement from waves and tides gradually weakens sea cliffs, eroding the rock and creating a cave.
Mammals like foxes and bears, insects like spiders and cockroaches, and reptiles like salamanders and frogs all live inside caves.
1. Name 2 places where caves can be found.
2. What causes the rock to dissolve?
3. Give evidence from paragraph 3 to show that caves take a very long time to form.
4. How is a lava tube formed?
5. Name 3 creatures that inhabit caves.
6. What part of speech is movement?
a. verb b. pronoun c. noun d. adjective
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