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Dominic King- Graphic Comprehension

  Taken from 'Paths to Success 11+ Comprehension Workbook' 1. Which store has an Art Competition? _____________________________________ has an Art Competition.  2. How much money can a person win? A person can win _______________________________________.  3. Whom will the advertisement most likely attract? The advertisement will attract _______________________________________.  4. Where is the store located? The store is ______________________________________________.  5. How can someone get more information about the competition? Someone can get more information by ________________________________.  6. What is www.  This is _____________________________________________________.  7. What are catalogues? 8. What is meant by "Computers: the highway to education"? This means that ____________________________________________.  9. What do you think will be done with the art which is brought in? The art will _________________________________________________.

Dominic King- Dec. 28. 2020. Word Problems

  Josh has $70. He is going to the supermarket to buy baking supplies.  If he buys 2 cupcake pans, 2 packages of baking cups and 3 jars of coloured sugar,  How much did he spend? How much did he have left? . 2. In my pocket, I have two $50 bills, three $20 bills and seven 10 cents. How much money do I have? 3.  During field day the 1st place winner threw the baseball 116 feet, which was 37 more feet than the 2nd place winner. How far did the 2nd place winner throw the baseball? 4. In my bag, there is $520. I will spend three-fifths of it on my cousin's birthday gift. a. How much money will I spend? b. How much money will remain? 5. Kelly is paid for each hour she works. If she is paid $5. 10 per hour, how much will she earn after working 7 hours? 5b. On weekends she earns twice as much per hour.  How much will she earn on Saturday after working for 2 hours? 6. A shipment contains 14 boxes of dolls. Each box contains 12 dolls. a. How many dolls are there in all? b. The dolls are

Dominic King- Addition of Fractions with Simplification - Dec. 18. 2020

  Addition of Fractions with Simplification Activity 1:   Activity 2: Your answers must be simplified Activity 3 + Homework

Dominic King- Addition of Fractions with Unlike Denominators- Dec 16

  Homework  Section A Section B

Azariyah Davis- Dec. 14. 2020

Activity 1: Section A- Mathematics 1.        739                                 2.   832           - 341                                         -457 3.   Trina rode her bike 12 miles on Friday. She rode 14 miles on Saturday and 15 miles on Sunday. How many miles did she ride in all? 4. Calculate my total if I have a ham sandwich and a juice. 5. Timothy wants to buy a turkey sandwich and a fruit cup for lunch. How much money will he need? 6. What fraction of the shape below is shaded?   7.  8. . 

Dominic King- Dec 14th. 2020 Vocab List + Reading + Comprehension + Maths

 Section A- Spelling and Vocabulary List Write these words into your book. Make sure to copy them correctly.  1. afraid 2. almost 3. also 4. always 5. animal 6. another 7. anyone 8. away 9. believe 10. become Section B- Reading and Comprehension Whales are the biggest creatures that have ever lived on the earth. They are even bigger than the biggest dinosaurs were. Believe it or not, whales are not fish—they are mammals.  Not only are whales the biggest creatures on earth, but they also are some of the smartest. They live in family groups. They communicate with each other and hunt for food in groups. Mother whales keep their babies close by and give them gentle taps to guide them in the right direction. Sometimes a whale will lift its head out of the water just to take a look around.  Since whales are mammals, they must breathe air. They breathe through a blowhole on their back. However, they can hold their breath for a very long time. Some kinds of whales can hold their breath for two

Full Class 3/4 Maths+Eng Review - Dec 12. 2020

  Jasmine’s father was an influential Lord. He ruled all of the lands of the Red River and his palace stood tall and majestic on its broad banks. Yet, Jasmine felt forlorn and sad. Her father kept her locked away at the top of the palace’s tallest tower in order to keep her out of harm’s way. Jasmine felt trapped; the only company she had was her maid and her daily routine was always the same. Everyday, she would sit by her window embroidering and look out of her window, gazing sorrowfully down at the waters rushing past far below.  Often, she dreamed of being carried away in the fast-flowing rapids to distant lands. One morning, Jasmine heard music floating through her open window. She hurried over to see where the sound was coming from. There, on the river below, was a little golden fishing boat. Jasmine heard the music rise up from the boat and caught snatches of a song: “My love is like a blossom in the breeze. My love is like a moonbeam on the waves.” The music was captivating and

Azariyah Davis - Dec 12. 2020 Term 1 Grammar Review

  Section A: Nouns   Complete the sentences using nouns from above. 1. The goats eat _________ in the field. 2. We took a shovel and a ________ to the beach. 3. A _________ has black and white stripes. 4. I like peanut butter and bananas on my _________. 5. Tom raised the _________ on his boat. 6. My ___________ loves playing board games. 7. Jane’s _________ lives in a barn. 8. My brother is studying to become a __________. 9. A _________ on the wagon is broken. 10. Chili is made with more than one type of ________. Section B- Verbs Circle the action verbs in the following sentences. 1. The dog fetched the stick. 2. Melanie climbed the stairs two steps at a time. 3. Fred pushed the swing for his little sister. 4. The workers installed a new window in the living room. 5. The children ate all their food. Section C- Adjectives

December 9th Maths Revision

  Section A 1. Kyle wants to buy a hat for $5.75, a T-shirt for $7.65, and a keychain for $3.15. He has $16. Does he have enough money? 2.    3.  4. - 6.  Write in digits: 7. eight thousand, one hundred and six 8. Ten thousand and seventeen 9. My school has a playing field. It is 26m long and 14m wide. What is the area of the playing field? 10. Kayla has a new laptop. Its length is 12inches and the width is 7 inches. What is the area of the laptop.  Homework

The Octopus

  Octopuses are sea animals famous for their   rounded bodies ,   bulging eyes   and   eight long arms . These cool critters live in all the world’s oceans, but they’re especially abundant in warm, tropical waters. Like their cousin, the squid, octopuses are often considered ‘ monsters of the deep ’, lurking in the depths of the seas. However, there are some kinds of octopus that live in relatively shallow waters. Most octopuses stay along the ocean’s floor, although some species live near the water’s surface. Other octopus species live in deep, dark waters, and rise from below at dawn and dusk to search for food. They perform their famous backward swim by blasting water through a muscular tube on their body called a  siphon . They also crawl along the ocean’s floor, tucking their arms into small openings to search for food. Favourites on the octopus’ menu include crabs, shrimps and lobsters, but they will sometimes eat larger prey, too, such as sharks. When going for grub, octopuses t

End of Term Math Revision- Dec 8th 2020

Section A  1. A local car dealer sold 870 cars last month. He sold 100 MORE cars this month than last month. How many cars did he sell this month? 2. Which means the same as 7,046?  a) 7000 + 40 + 6  b) 7000 + 406  c) 700 + 40 + 6  d) 70 + 46 3.  4. Martin spent $2.60 on his lunch. Sandwiches cost $1.25. Milkshakes cost $0.65. How much MORE does a sandwich cost than a milkshake? 5. The Browne family started working in the garden at 1:50. They worked for 2 hours and 15 minutes. At what time did they stop working? 6. Find the LCM of 6 and 4.  7. Find the LCM of 5 and 8. Section B  Reduce these fractions to lowest terms. 8.  9.  10-11.  Section C 12.  13.  14. Calculate the area of the shape below.

The Highlight of my Year

            2020 was an interesting year. There were many strange things which happened like Coronavirus. Hearing about this virus made me feel frustrated and irritated. Even though the year was a tough one, there was still one thing which I enjoyed. It was my birthday.           My birthday was on      

Bar Graphs pt. 2

What was the air temperature on 8? ______________  What was the air temperature on 15? ______________  Did the temperature increase or decrease between April 15 and April 22? Was the temperature higher on 29th or 1st? ______________  On what date was the temperature at the highest?