1. Circle the number two thousand, five hundred sixteen:
1,244 1,424 2,651 2,516 216
2. Circle the number nine thousand, four hundred:
9,040 940 9,400 9,004
Write the following numbers:
3. three thousand, six hundred twenty-four
4. six thousand and forty-three
17. Write the first six multiples of 9.
18. Write the first seven multiples of 10.
19. Find the LCM of 7 and 5.
20. Find the LCM of 10 and 4.
21-23. Write the time shown on the clocks below using the 24-hour format.
24. Sammy left home at 9:25. It takes him 1 hour and 30 minutes to get to Bridgetown. At what time will he reach Bridgetown?
25. What time will it be 45 minutes after 11:55?
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