The Parrot with Attitude
On her 10th birthday, Mia got a parrot as a gift.
After a few months, the parrot became very rude and mean. Every word out of the parrot's mouth was bad. Mia tried and tried to change the bird's attitude. She only spoke polite words. She played soft music and did anything she could think of to improve the bird's behavior.
Nothing worked. When Mia yelled at the parrot, the parrot yelled back. Mia was really fed up. She shook the parrot's perch and the parrot only became worse. Finally, Mia totally lost it. Screaming, "Chill!" she grabbed the bird, and threw it in the freezer!
The parrot squawked and screamed, then suddenly stopped. Fearing that she hurt the parrot, Mia opened the freezer.
The parrot calmly stepped out, flew to its perch, and in a quiet polite voice said, "I believe I may have bothered you with my rude language and actions. I'm very sorry and I promise to behave properly from now on."
Mia was stunned. "What brought on this change?" she asked the parrot.
"When I saw that turkey in the freezer, I got scared. It must have had a really bad attitude!"
1. How old was Mia when she got the parrot?
2. Why did Mia try to change the bird's attitude?
3. Name one thing Mia tried to change the bird's attitude?
4. Why did Mia think that she had hurt the parrot?
5. Why did the parrot change his behaviour?
6. What part of speech is behave?
a. noun b. verb c. adjective
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