If there is any gift in the world I could have, it would be a brand new scooter. I would ask my granny to buy this for me.
The scooter is pink, grey, and very sparkly. The scooter is a perfect gift because it is great for when I want to play outside. . I am not sure of the price, but it may cost about $100.
I think I deserve this special gift because I have worked hard all term. Also, I have been very respectful to my parents. I hope that someday I am lucky enough to own a pink, sparkly scooter!
If there is any gift in the world I could have, it would be _______________________________. I would ask my _________________________ to buy this for me.
The _______________is ___________, ___________ and __________. The ___________________________ is a perfect gift because it is __________________________ and __________________________. It can also_____________________________. I am not sure of the price, but it may cost about _______________________.
I think I deserve this special gift because ________________________________. Also, I ___________________. I hope that some day I am lucky enough to own a ________________________.
Dog Tired
One day, an old tired dog wandered into Noah’s yard. The dog didn’t look hungry or sick, just very tired.
Noah gave the dog a few pats on the head. The dog followed Noah into the house, slowly walked down the hall, curled up in the corner and fell asleep.
An hour later, the dog woke up, walked to the door, and Noah let him out.
The next day the dog was back. Once again the dog followed Noah into the house and slept in the corner for an hour. It was the same story the next day, and the next, and the next one after that.
Noah was very curious. “What’s up with this dog?” he wondered. He had an idea.
Noah pinned a note to the dog’s collar:
To the owner of this dog,
Do you know that your dog comes to my house every afternoon and has a nap? Why? .....Noah
The next day the dog came to Noah’s house with a new note pinned to its collar:
He lives in a home with 6 children, 3 under the age of 2. He's trying to catch up on his sleep. He can’t find a quiet spot here. Neither can I! Can I come with him tomorrow?
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