Arrange these in ascending order. (smallest to biggest)
1. 54 67 89 32 9 53
2. 209 2009 2090 2009 2902
3. 809 9008 8009 9109 8109
Write the number name for the numbers below:
4. 1589
5. 32549
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6-11. Write the time shown by each clock.
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Example: List the first five multiples of 3
Answer: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15
13. List the first seven multiples of 9
14. List the first 3 multiples of 13
(Remember, there are examples on the website.)
15. Find the LCM of 6 and 8
16. Find the LCM of 11 and 12
17. Find the LCM of 10 and 15
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*Next Step Snack Shop
Popcorn = $1.65
Teatimes = $2. 40
Chubby = $0.90
18. My teacher will buy a Chubby and a pack of popcorn at break-time.
Calculate how much she will pay.
b. If she pays using a $5.00 bill, how much change will she receive?
19. Find the cost of 4 packs of teatimes.
20. Dominic has $10.00. He wants to buy 1 pack of teatimes, 1 pack of popcorn
and a Chubby.
a. Calculate his total.
b. Calculate the change he will receive.
21. What is the difference in price between the chubby and the cheese sticks?
22. Mummy has $8.00. She wants to buy 3 packs of popcorn and 2 packs of cheese sticks. Does she have enough money?
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