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Monday, July 19, 2021- Thursday, July 22, 2021


Addition  and Subtraction of Fractions


Subtracting Fractions


14- 15. 


Multiple Choice Comprehension:


Rainwater is carried from the hills down to the sea by rivers. If this did not 1 happen the land would be flooded. 
Rivers often help persons to travel and transport things from one place to another. That is why towns were sometimes built on the banks of large 5 rivers. Riverboats and barges are used in some countries to transport passengers and cargo. 
Rivers are also important to persons who live nearby and do not have access to tap water in their homes. Water for drinking, cooking and washing is then accessed from the river. Many families depend on this 10 ready source of water, even if they have to boil it for drinking purposes. 
Rivers supply many persons with food such as fish and shrimp. Freshwater fish can also be caught from the river. They make a delicious meal. Some persons just like to look at the beauty of a river, with its waterfalls, its rapids and its wide, calm stretches where the water is barely moving. 
Adapted from: Communication Tasks An Integrated Approach by Sheila Callow & P.L. Maxwell 

********            *********            *******        ********        ********

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Comparison of Adjectives:



Finding a Fraction of a Number: 

Sarah normally earns $600 each month. In December she is given a bonus of ⅕ of her normal pay.
 (a) Work out ⅕ of $600. ......................... 
 (b) Work out her total pay for December

 In 2014, a school's attendance was 2000. The following year, the average attendance increased by ⅖. Work out the average attendance in 2015.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Finding a Fraction of a Number

        Important Steps:

                    1. Divide by the bottom (denominator)

                    2. Multiply by the top (numerator)


Word Formation

1. Karate requires both skill and ______________________.  (STRONG)

2. The ______________________ of the mountain is about 2000 metres (HIGH)

3. Thank you for everything. You’ve been very ______________________ (HELP)

4. I do not think it is a good idea to go to the beach today. It’s too ______________________ (CLOUD).

5. Don’t touch that snake. It’s extremely ______________________ (POISON)

6. I want ______________________ of your innocence (PROVE).

7. It is my ______________________ that there are aliens. (BELIEVE)

8.  can’t finish this book. I’ll die of ______________________ (BORED)


Word Formation

Please practice reading your sentences out loud!

1. You should care about your physical ______________________  (APPEAR).

2. The Queen gave him an award for his _________________. (BRAVE)

3. Our _________________ to America was cancelled because of bad weather. (FLY)

4. Cats are very _________________ animals. (PLAY)

5. Injections can be quite _______________________. (PAIN)

6. .She looked at us in _________________. (AMAZE)

Active and Passive Voice 

Rewrite the sentences below in the active voice. 

The trophy was won by Kyle. 
    Kyle won the trophy. 

1. The road was swept by my neighbour. 

2. Carl was arrested by the police. 

3. The dessert was prepared by the pastry chef. 

4. The bicycle was ridden by the small child. 

5. Online classes are done by Barbadian students. 

6. A speech is given by the Prime Minister. 

7. The game is won by Jonathan. 

8. The PlayStations are bought by the gamers. 

9. The children are punished by the angry parents. 

10. The work was incorrectly done by the student. 

Thursday, July 22, 2021

1. Mrs. Campano purchased 3 cases of pencils. Each case contained 96 pencils. What was the total number of pencils purchased?

2.         12.95 ÷ 5   = ___


4. A total of 355 chairs are needed for a school performance. There are 227 chairs already in place. How many more chairs are needed?

5. What is the place value of the 1 in 3.619 ?


7. What is 50% of 40?

8. Maria has $7.50 to buy lunch. If she buys a turkey sandwich that costs $2.75, how much money will she have left?


        7 . 2
×      3 . 3    

10. What number is 3/5 of 6800?



Multiple Choice Comprehension 1


1. I have $5020. I will give 1/4 of it to my mother and 1/5 to my sister. 

    a. My mother will get $ ____________

    b. My sister will get $ __________ 

    c. How much will remain?

2. A barrel has 7200 items in it. 1/6 of the items are dolls and 3/8 are toy trucks. How many items are not dolls or trucks?

    *Hint: This question has 4 steps. You must show all 4.    

3. What is 5/12 of 9600?

4. Increase 740.5 by one-fifth. 


5. Increase 120.08 by one-fourth. 


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