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Friday Practice Tests

 Test 1: Composition

    30 minutes

Choose any ONE of the topics below. 


Write a story entitled, “A memorable experience”.


English Test

1 hour 

Use the correct form of the adjective in brackets to complete the sentences. Check your spelling. 

1. The lunch today is ________________ than what we ate yesterday. (bad) 

2. She wept in the church but she wept _______________ at the grave. (bitter) 

3. The gardener lifted the _______________ end of the hose. (heavy) 

4. Who is _________________ Miss Antigua or Miss USA? (beauty) 

5. The Toyota is _________________ than the Subaru. (expensive)

Form a word from the one in brackets to complete the sentences. 

6. Treatment is _________________ so you don’t have to be afraid. (PAIN) 

7. The shop _________________ told me to wait here until she gets the manager. (ASSIST)

8. Air _________________ is terrible for the environment. (POLLUTE)

9. You look thinner. Have you lost _______ (WEIGH)

Use the past tense of the word in brackets to complete the sentences below. 

10. We _______________________ into our new house last Tuesday. (MOVE)

11. Henry _______________________ in London right now. (LIVE)

12-14. The Howards _______________________ and _______________________ TV when suddenly the masked men _______________________ in. (SIT, WATCH, COME)

Read the poem below carefully and answer the questions which follow.

             The Quarrel

I quarrelled with my brother

I don’t know what about,

One thing led to another

And somehow we fell out.

The start of it was slight,

The end of it was strong;

He said he was right,

I knew he was wrong.

We hated one another.

The afternoon turned black.

Then suddenly my brother

Thumped me on the back

And said, “Oh, come along!

We can’t go on all night –

I was in the wrong.”

So he was in the right.

15. The poem is about a quarrel which took place between

 A. two strangers

 B. two members of a family

 C. a man and his friend

 D. two enemies

16. All of the following words mean the same as quarrel in this poem EXCEPT

A. disagreement

B. argument

C. altercation

D. hatred

17. The words slight and strong in the poem describe the

A. quarrel

B. people

C. afternoon

D. poem

18. The pair of words which rhyme are

A. brother and another

B. slight and strong

C. fell and out

D. wrong and right

19. The statement, “the afternoon turned black” most likely means

A. rain fell during the afternoon

B. the afternoon was painted black

C. the poet felt gloomy during the afternoon

D. a black person appeared in the afternoon

20. What part of speech is 'thumped'?

a. adjective

b. preposition

c. verb

d. noun

Rewrite in the ACTIVE voice. 

Example: The thieves were arrested by the police.

                The police arrested the thieves. 

21. The market was opened early this morning by the guards. 

22. The movie was not seen by us. 

23. The roofs will be replaced by the workmen. 

Rewrite in the PASSIVE voice. 

24. Kayla is feeding the young children. 

25. The schools are providing assistance for the students. 

26. Jonathan understands the assignment. 

Use the prefixes below to correctly complete the sentences. 

        en            im            anti            sub            un

27. The ____marine descended into the water. 

28. It is almost ____possible to see the moon on a cloudy night. 

29. His _____social behaviour caused him to have no friends. 

30. My teacher thinks video games are ___important. 

31. We must ____able students with the skills they need. 

32-34. Choose the underlined word that should begin with a capital letter. 

35. The word "dense" in line 2 tells us that the plants in the forest were

(A) green in colour.

(B) tall with large trunks.

(C) growing close together.

(D) scattered over a large area. 

36. Which of the following items did the farmer have with him?

I. A bull

II. Money

Ill. A stick

(A) I and II

(B) I and Ill

(C) II and Ill

(D) I, II and Ill

37. What does the use of the word "grudgingly" in line 5 tell us about how the

farmer gave over what he had?

(A) Happily

(B) Willingly

(C) Peacefully

(D) Reluctantly

38. Which of the following words may be used to describe the farmer's behaviour

in paragraphs 3 to 5?

(A) Clever

(B) Afraid

(C) Insecure

(D) Frightened

39. In paragraph 5, we learn that the robber runs away. What was the reason for


(A) He saw a group of robbers.

(B) The bull began to chase him.

(C) The farmer used the stick to beat him.

(D) The farmer's wife started to chase him.

40. Give another word for 'enquired' (line 9).

a. pleaded

b. smiled

c. asked

d. thought



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