Tuesday, October 12, 2021
a. Homework
b. Cloze Passages
Cloze Passage about the Earth
Cloze Passage about the Great Wall of China
c. Active and Passive Voice (Multi-Tense)
Karen eats the chocolate cake. (Present Tense)
The chocolate cake is eaten by Karen.
My brother enjoyed the Spiderman movie. (Past Tense)
The Spiderman movie was enjoyed by my brother.
For the sentences below, state the tense and then rewrite in the passive voice.
1. The chef prepared a sumptuous dinner for the guests.
2. The students accompany the parents to the meeting.
3. We are all enjoying the game.
4. Mikayla denied any wrongdoing.
5. The repairman fixed the laptop.
6. She was creating a beautiful basket.
7. My teacher plans our work.
8. My mother is giving me an iPhone for Christmas.
9. Dwayne watches football every Saturday.
10. I cannot understand French accents.
Expository Writing Recap
Expository writing means writing to _________________.
Write an introductory paragraph (5 lines) on one of the topics below.
It should include:
- a catchy beginning + topic sentence
- complex adjectives
- 3 supporting points
a. My Favourite TV/ Online Show
b. A Person I Admire
c. My Favourite Holiday
d. Explain to your parents why they should get you a new pet
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Persuasive Writing
Write this down in your book:
Topic: Teachers should be more considerate about the amount of homework they give. Write an essay saying whether you agree.
List your reasons and examples below:
Reason 1 + Example-
Reason 2 + Example-
Reason 3 + Example-
Tuesday, November 2nd, 2021
Writing a Narrative
A major part of great writing is being able to edit your own work.
Elements of a Perfect Narrative
- Setting - Where is your story set?
- Highlight all the senses (What does it sound like/ look like/ smell like/ feel like?)
- Characters - Who is your story about? What do they look like? How do they behave?
- Conflict - What goes wrong? How do your characters react?
- Solution- How is the problem solved? How do your characters feel?
Thursday, November 4th, 2021
Fun Fact!
Activity 1: Spelling Test!!
Activity 2: Video Comprehension

Obesity has been identified as a social problem in most of our public schools. Many prominent persons have agreed and steps have been taken, with little success, to reduce and further erase this unwanted guest from our society.
Obesity results from an imbalance between energy intake, through food and drink, and energy expenditure in the form of irregular sustainable physical exercises. In other words, where energy intake exceeds energy expenditure over a sustained period of time, people (adults and children) will become overweight and obese.
Some of the causes of obesity are: regular intake of foods with a high fat content; large consumption of sugary sodas or drinks; high usage of salty preserved snacks and other “junky” foods ; lack of sustained physical exercise.
Pupils are now less mobile than before because technology has brought knowledge and other activities closer to the students. This has erased the need for them to travel to the libraries or on field trips to do research and collect data. Additionally, gaming activities can be had at one stop - the internet. This results in them doing less physical activity.
1. According to the passage, how is obesity identified?
2. How is the use of technology helping to cause obesity?
3. According to the passage, the eating of what type of food causes obesity?
4. From the information given in the passage, name the technology responsible for bringing knowledge closer to the students.
5. What is the meaning of the word ‘erase’ as used in line 2 of the passage?
6. Which word in the passage may be replaced by the word ‘surpasses’?
7. Use the information given in the passage to state how obesity occurs.
8. What part of speech is the word ‘field’ as used in line 11 of the passage?
Tuesday, November 9th, 2021
Activity 1: Angry Birds (Comparative and Superlative)
You woke up one morning and found that you had become an animal. Write a short narrative on how you spent your day as an animal.
Use the following as a guide:
- What feelings did you experience?
- Write down some of your activities (e.g) finding food, hunting, other animals, environment, etc.
-Was it a positive or negative experience?
*Use fun similes!
Thursday, November 11th, 2021
Parts of Speech
Activity 1: Drag & Drop
Activity 2: Parts of Speech Multiple Choice
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Activity 1: Words with multiple meanings
Activity 2: Commonly Confused Words
Focus: Finding the Main Idea & Identifying Author's Purpose
Draw the diagram below in your book.
Finding the main idea:
Read the following passage carefully.
Remember to read the passage more than once. To help to improve your vocabulary awareness and improve your comprehension, underline unfamiliar words in the passage, make a list of them and note their meanings in your book.
Here are some words from the passage below.
exerted ferocious generous carnivores belief prey
Have you ever been bitten by someone? I am sure that you will agree that a bite can be very painful. Scientists have made an instrument (a bite force transducer) to measure the power of a bite. The transducer measures the number of pounds per square inch (psi) exerted when a bite is made. To help you understand, consider a human biting into a piece of steak. He will use between 150/200 psi.
The most ferocious dogs have a bite force of about 600 psi. Lions and tigers generate about 1000psi. Their bite force is expectedly high since these carnivores use their powerful bites to rip prey apart. For many years the world thought that the most powerful bite force came from the Great White Shark. This belief was proven wrong when bite tests were carried out using the force transducer. The shark exerted a bite force up to 1 000 psi. However, the crocodile’s bite force was at a stunning 5 000 psi. Scientists explain that sharks have razor-sharp teeth and hence their bite force will not be as powerful as crocodile since they will be able to rip through flesh easily.
Next time you visit the zoo or see a crocodile, keep your distance. If your hand or foot gets in his mouth, it will be impossible to open his mouth to get it out. Remember his bite is almost ten times more powerful than the most ferocious pit bull.
1. According to the passage, what is a bite force transducer?
2. As used in the passage, what does the abbreviation psi mean?
3. Why do scientists expect the shark to rip through flesh easily?
4. In the last paragraph, what useful advice is given by the writer?
5. Why do you think the writer uses the example of a human biting into a steak in the first paragraph?
6. What part of speech is the word razor as used in the passage?
7. Why is the bite force of lions and tigers expected to be higher than a dog’s?
8. Which word in the passage means applying force or pressure?
9. Why do you think the writer described the bite of the crocodile as stunning?
10. What is the main idea of the final paragraph?
Tuesday, November 24, 2021
Prefixes & Suffixes Review:
Root Word Web
Find the meanings of the root words below.
Think of other words which use them as prefixes. Then create a word web for each root word.
Descriptive Writing
Quick-witted writing
Use all your senses to describe:
Irregular Past Tense Verbs
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Warm-up: Word Shark (Share your screen)
Word Ops:
Activity 1:
Focus: Graphic Comprehension (Inferences)
1. List two (2) pieces of information required to access the webpage.
2. Give two (2) reasons why the ‘Remember username’ feature is on the webpage.
3. Select two (2) images used on the webpage and state their purpose.
4. Does this web page encourage you to visit the site? Give a reason for your response.
Thursday, December 2nd, 2021
Focus: Mixed Grammar Exercises + Comprehension Recap
Affect vs. Effect
Amount vs. Number
Subject-Verb Agreement
Main Idea: Romulus & Remus
Tuesday, December 7th, 2021
Error correction
Fill in the blank
Mixed Exercises
Tuesday, December 14
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