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CSEC English- Writing a Letter of Complaint


A letter of complaint, or complaint letter, is normally written to deal with a problem situation when other attempts have failed to rectify the situation.

When you are responding in written form, you should avoid angry, hostile, or sarcastic tones.

You are more likely to get specific action on what you want if your written response reflects tact, courtesy and emotional intelligence.

Structure of a Letter of Complaint

  • Purpose of the letter
  • Begin with a detailed description of the product or service
  • State what is exactly is wrong with the product or service
  • Briefly describe the inconvenience you have suffered
  • Indicate precisely how the situation should be corrected
  • Ask for prompt handling of the claim

Key Elements:

At all times remember to check to ensure that all of the following is present in your business letter.

  • The sender’s address (your address)
  • Date
  • Receiver’s address
  • Greeting
  • Subject Line
  • Body of the report
  • Closing


# 13 Flower Ave

Lodge Hill

St. Michael 

October 12th, 2021

The Manager Eden Hill Pharmacy

Eden Hill

St. Michael

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to complain about the service at your Eden Hill branch on Saturday  January 1th, 2021.

I often collect prescriptions from the pharmacy on behalf of my grandmother, Mrs Elaine Browne. On this occasion, there were two prescriptions: one for Kendomol and one for  Leoprone. I was served quickly even though there appeared to be only one pharmacist on duty. However, as I was leaving I saw that I had been given 500 mg tablets of Kendomol. This is ten times stronger than the prescription called for.

If I hadn't noticed the difference between the prescription and the actual tablets, my grandmother could have taken a dangerous overdose of Kendomol. I am now worried about getting any future prescriptions at Eden Hill.

The pharmacist apologised and corrected the mistake but I wanted to bring it to your attention. I think it happened because there were not enough staff on duty. I understand that mistakes happen but there needs to be a minimum of two pharmacists at all times so all prescriptions can be checked.

I hope you can take steps to make sure this mistake does not happen again.

Yours faithfully,

Roger Browne


a) Pretend you went to your favourite fast-food restaurant and while there you received poor service.

Write a letter of complaint to the manager of the restaurant in which you describe in detail what happened and how you would like the situation to be addressed.

(25 marks)

Body of the Letter

Paragraph 1: Describe what is wrong with the product or describe the issues/problems. Give the date of purchase and place of purchase, if applicable.

Paragraph 2: Explain how you would like to resolve the problem.

Paragraph 3: Explain that you look forward to receiving a reply with a resolution. Set a date or time limit in which to receive the reply. Give a phone number where you can be reached.


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