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Homeschool Week 3 - October 24th - October 28th

Fun Fact 

Mars has lower gravity than Earth. That means a person that weighs 200 pounds on Earth would only weigh 76 pounds on Mars.



Find meanings of the words below and write them in your book.

  • Objective
  • Obligation
  • Obsolete

Percentages- Discounts 

A discount is a reduction in the original cost/ marked price of an item or service.  


In a video store, a DVD that sells for $15 is marked, "10% off". What is the discount? What is the sale price of the DVD?

                =  10/100 x 15/1

 Discount   = $1.50

Sale Price = $15.00 - $1.50

                = $13.50

The discount is $1.50 and the sale price is $13.50.


In a department store, a $40 dress is marked, "Save 25%." What is the discount? What is the sale price of the dress?

1. What is the discount on the Town Rider bicycle?

    1b. How much will you pay?

2. What is the discount on the Road Master bicycle?

    2b. How much will you pay?

3. The price of an apple is 1.25$. If you get 20% discount, how much do you have to pay?


6. Normally a Play Station costs 500$, but you receive a 35% discount. 

a. Calculate the discount

b. How much will you pay?


1. Which of the following is not an indication that a foreign body is lodged in the eye ?

(A) Problem seeing

(B) Painful eye

(C) Watery eye

(D) Puffy eye

2. Why is it not advisable to rub the eye when there is something in the eye ?

(A) The eye will not stop watering.

(B) You will not be able to open the eye.

(C) The foreign body may injure the eye.

(D) Rubbing the eye will dislodge the foreign body.

3. Which of the following is a procedure to remove a foreign body from the eye ?

(A) Rubbing a piece of cloth over the eye.

(B) Gently washing the eye with warm water.

(C) Squeezing a few drops of eye drops over the eye.

(D) Rubbing the eye gently to dislodge the foreign body.

4. The expression profuse tearing means

(A) producing a lot of tears

(B) producing tears when required

(C) tearing the eye into many pieces

(D) tears flowing and stopping intermittently

5. The word it in point number 3 refers to the

(A) corner of the eye

(B) damp handkerchief

(C) dirt or foreign body

(D) white part of the eye

6. This medical advice is most likely found in the following except

(A) a home emergency guidebook

(B) a journal of medical terms

(C) a guidebook for campers

(D) a health magazine

Video Comprehension

Write a research essay about Dr. Martin Luther King. You must include:

- His background (where he was born, family, etc.)

-A few of his achievements and his legacy

-His passing

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

What do these words mean?
  • Objective
  • Obligation
  • Obsolete

Word Formation: 

Cloze Passage:


Forests provide shade, food and shelter for plants and animals. They even provide fuel and medicine for people. Most importantly, forests provide the oxygen we all need to breathe. 

One of the greatest threats to our forests is fire. Fire can destroy the animals’ habitats or homes. 

The majority of forest fires are started by humans. Over 30 percent of these are deliberately set. Worryingly, there are some people, including children, who start fires just because they enjoy watching them burn. Additionally, some landowners set fire to trees in order to clear land to plant crops.

 Many forest fires are started accidentally by people who burn garbage at illegal dumps or by sparks which fly from machines. Visitors to the forest who smoke may drop their cigarette ends and this can have dire consequences.

Even though forest fires take place in the dry season continues long afterwards. Destruction of the forest results in soil erosion, which can lead to flooding. 

The forest can recover but it will take many, many years. So, it is important that we take the necessary precautions to protect the forests of the world. 

71. What does the forest provide which both animals and people need?



72. To what does “habitat” in paragraph 2 refer?



73. Why does the writer use “worryingly” to describe people who set fires? 



74. What part of speech is the word “deliberately”?


75. In what season do most fires take place?



76. “...and this can have dire consequences.” Explain the meaning of “dire consequences.”



77. Provide a suitable title for the passage.


We will be having a percentages test tomorrow. 

Percentage Quiz :


1. The list price of a suit is $220. A discount of 20% is announced. What is the amount of discount on it and its selling price?

2. A toy is on sale for 40% off. If the original price was $40, what is the new sales price?

3. Mr. Quick bought a new computer system. He received a 25% discount. If the original price was $1590, calculate how much he actually paid. 

Marked Price - $5650
Discount - 25%
New Price ______

Marked Price - $9800
Discount - 22%
New Price ____

6. Marco wants a shampoo which costs $7.25. He receives a 50% discount. How much will he pay?




Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Fun Fact: Giant Pandas eat approximately 28 pounds of bamboo a day – that’s over 5 tons per year!

Percentages Test (Part 1)

                                            New Topic

                                    PROFIT and LOSS (with percentages)

Profit refers to when there is an increase over the original cost of an item. 
Loss refers to when there is a decrease in the original cost of an item. 


John is a shopkeeper. He buys goods from the wholesaler and sells them in his shop at a higher price to earn profit. If he sells them at a lower price, he suffers loss.


Nicholas bought his bicycle for $300. He sold it to his friend and made a 10% profit. 
    a. Calculate the profit. 

10/100 x 300 = $30

    b. Calculate the selling price.
Selling Price = Cost Price + Profit 
                   =    $300     +    $30
                        =     $330

1. The cost price of a TV is $600. It is sold again to make a 12.5%  profit.
    a. Calculate the profit. 
    b. Calculate the selling price. 

2.     A carpenter buys a saw for $700. He sells it and makes a 18% loss.
        a. Calculate the loss. 
        b. Calculate the selling price. 

3.     Javon bought a parrot for $30. He sells it John and makes a 10% loss. 
        a. Calculate the loss.
        b. How much did John pay?

Create sentences using the words below. 

                    Thursday, October 28, 2021

                            Natural Disasters

Use the internet to find out what is the meaning of 'Richter scale'.

            The Indonesian Tsunami - Aftermath

- Considered the deadliest tsunami in history

- Since it was a holiday (Boxing Day) many people were on the beaches. 

-The earthquake measured 9.1 on the Richter scale. 

-230,000 lives were lost.

-Waves were at least 100 feet. 

-By the time the tsunami hot Thailand, waves were travelling at 500mph. 

-Sri Lanka and India were also hit.

“It’s a wave, but from the observer’s standpoint, you wouldn’t recognize it as a wave,” Titov says. “It’s more like the ocean turns into a white water river and floods everything in its path.”

Once caught in the raging waters, if the currents don’t pull you under, the debris will finish the job.

“In earthquakes, a certain number of people die but many more are injured. It’s completely reversed with tsunamis,” says Titov. “Almost no injuries, because it’s such a difficult disaster to survive.” 



Search online to find the meanings of: 
1. seismology
2. Richter scale
3. pyroclastic flow

Watch: Pompeii & Mount Vesuvius

There are volcanoes on every continent, even Antarctica. The majority of volcanoes in the world form along the boundaries of Earth's tectonic plates. When tectonic plates collide, one often plunges deep below the other. 

As the descending landmass sinks deep into the Earth, temperatures and pressures climb, releasing water from the rocks. The water slightly reduces the melting point of the overlying rock, forming magma that can work its way to the surface—the spark of life to reawaken a slumbering volcano.

Another way volcanoes can form is what's known as hotspot volcanism. In this situation, a zone of magmatic activity—or a hotspot—in the middle of a tectonic plate can push up through the crust to form a volcano. Although the hotspot itself is thought to be largely stationary, the tectonic plates continue their slow march, building a line of volcanoes or islands on the surface. This mechanism is thought to be behind the Hawaii volcanic chain.

 Search: Ring of Fire Volcanoes



Did you know?

An erupting volcano can trigger tsunamis, flash floods, earthquakes, mudflows and rockfalls. 

1. What happens at the places where the Earth's crust is broken?

2. What causes magma to rise to the surface of the Earth?

3. Explain the difference between magma and lava. 

4. According to the passage, what is an active volcano?

5. What health problems do you think volcanic ash may cause?

6. Explain how volcanic ash can benefit farmers.  

1. The cost price of the bag is $420. It is sold and makes a loss of 15%. 
a. What is the loss?
b. What is the selling price?

2. These headphones cost $680. If they are sold to make a 15%profit:
a. Calculate the profit
b. Calculate the selling price

Calculate the selling price of this t-shirt if the cost price is $82 and a 25% profit is to be made. 

1. A person makes 5% loss by selling a laptop for $1000. Calculate the loss. 

2. An iPad costs $2700 in 2020. Two years later it is sold to make a 15% loss. Calculate the selling price. 

Did you know that Neptune’s days are 16 hours long?

Did you know tomatoes and avocados are fruits, not vegetables?

Martin Luther King Review

Your parents/ older siblings have offered to buy you anything you want. But, you must prove to them that you deserve it. Write a short persuasive speech telling them what you want and why.  


Multi-Step Word Problems 

Frigate Birds

Many countries have a national bird which is indigenous to that country
and has special significance to the natives of the land. The national bird of
Antigua and Barbuda is the Frigate Bird which is also known as the
Man-O’-War because it behaves like pirates on the high seas. This unique
bird, which is native to tropical territories, has a sanctuary in Barbuda which
is home to thousands of magnificent Frigates.
Frigate Birds have easily identifiable features. They have mainly black
feathers, long, deeply forked tails and long hooked grey bills. A fully-grown
Frigate is about three feet in length and has a wingspan of over seven
feet. Females have white throats and white underbellies while the males
have a distinctive bright red balloon at their throat which they inflate during the breeding season to attract mates. 

The males also raise their bills high, vibrate partially spread wings and swivel back and forth, while calling to attract a mate. Both male and female birds take part in the breeding process. The female Frigate Bird lays a single egg which is incubated by both parents. When the egg hatches, the young Frigate is fed by both parents for a while and then the mother continues to feed the young bird for months later. The young bird is never left unattended before it can take care of itself. One parent is always in the nest with the young one.

Among the qualities that make the Frigate bird special, is their ability to
fly. They are excellent gliders. They can soar for weeks on wind currents
and they catch their food in flight. They swoop down close to the sea to
gather prey from the water or the beach without stopping their flight. The
magnificent Frigate eats small fish, squid, jellyfish and crustaceans. It may
also take young turtles, birds and eggs. It is known for grabbing food away
from other birds and even eating the eggs and young of other Frigate Birds.
Frigate Birds deserve to be protected because of their significance to
Antiguans and Barbudans. One way of protecting the birds is to protect their habitat. Securing the mangroves in Barbuda means that natives and tourists will be able to enjoy the magnificence of these birds for years to come.


Another name for the Frigate Bird is _____________________

One adjective that the writer uses to describe the Frigate Bird is _______________.

In the last sentence, the noun which refers to the people who live in Barbuda is ____________.

State whether each of the following is true or false. (4 marks)

The male and female Frigate Birds are identical. _____________ 
24. The female Frigate Birds lay several eggs annually. _____________ 
25. The mangroves in Barbuda are a natural habitat of the Frigate Bird. ______________ 
26. According to the passage, the Frigate Bird has many commonplace features ________



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