Search online or use a suitable app to find the meanings of the words below. Write them in your book.
1. comply
2. loathe
3. absolve
4. abundant
5. accede
Complete: https://www.liveworksheets.com/worksheets/en/English_language/Synonyms/Synonyms_pe1289502gd
I was more excited than I had ever been before. Maybe this was a good sign; sometimes excitement is easily transformed into success. I hoped with all my heart and soul that this would have been one of those occasions.
Some people may laugh at me, some may even criticize me, but most may forgive the thoughts of a young and innocent mind. As I sit and relive the experience, I take a long and hearty laugh at myself. Now, at my ripe old age of thirty-two I can fully understand what is meant by, “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing”.
It was early in the morning when I happened to walk past the meeting room. My curiosity skyrocketed when I heard the chairman suggesting that he did not agree with the decision to open the West Gate. He stated quite clearly that if this was done, Sam Cuchie and The Duppy would rush in.
No one got to the park earlier than I did. I had to see these two men. As most of the spectators peacefully and orderly entered the other gates, a large crowd gathered just outside of West Gate. I drew closer to the group. Sam and The Duppy had to be there.
Bang! The gate was flung open and everyone rushed in as though chaos was the ruler of the day. I looked left; I looked east, west, north and south, but my subjects were nowhere to be seen. I felt so disappointed! Now I smile as I recall the incident -Sam Cuchie and The Duppy…… What a way to refer to the uninvited and unwanted! Twenty years of life has changed nothing for me.
1. According to the passage, where was the narrator when he first heard of Sam Cuchie and the Duppy?
2. What did the narrator hope for on the day he went to the park?
3. Why did the narrator think that success was possible that day?
4. How old was the narrator when the incident took place?
5. What does the use of the word “skyrocketed” say about the narrator’s curiosity?
6. What information from the passage suggests that the narrator was extremely keen and excited on the day he visited the park?
7. Why do you think the narrator felt disappointed?
8. What does the use of the phrase “relive the experience” (line 4) tell us about the narrator?
9. What is the part of speech of the word “excitement” in line 1?
10. Who were Sam Cuchie and The Duppy?
Watch: https://youtu.be/zlkfeh6O4Mo
Introduction to Percentages:
1. In a shipment, there are 50 pounds of potatoes. 23 pounds of the potatoes are rotten.
a. What percentage is rotten?
b. What percentage is good?
2. There are 50 children in my school. 17 of them do well in English.
a. What percentage do well in English?
b. What percentage do not do well in English?
3. 25 runners attend a race. 4 of them qualify for the Olympics.
a. What percentage qualify?
b. What percentage does not qualify?
4. There are 50 types of food on a menu. 10 of the items are pasta options, 21 are meat options and 3 are fish options.
a. Pasta options = ______%
b. Meat options = ______%
c. Fish options= _______%
Monday Homework
1. Today we had a test. Out of 20 questions, I got 11 wrong.
a. What percentage did I get right?
b. What percentage did I get wrong?
2. My laptop has 25 Gigabytes of space. I have used 19.4 Gigabytes.
a. What percentage of the space have I used?
b. What percentage of the space remains?
3. Out of 20 packs of snacks, 6 are Chee-Zees, 3 are popcorn and 5 are ring-pops.
a. What percentage of the snacks are Chee-Zees?
b. What percentage of the snacks are popcorn?
c. What percentage are ring-pops?
4. Out of 25 tries, Daniel is successful 8 times. What percentage of times is he not successful?
5. 25 people were tested for Dengue. 5 of the tests are positive.
a. What percentage tested positive?
b. What percentage tested negative?
6. I have $50. I will spend $17.50.
a. What percentage do I spend?
b. What percentage do I have left?
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Today's Fun Fact: Did you know a hippopotamus can run faster than a man?
Watch: Could you do this job?
Activity 1: Review yesterday's vocabulary words.
Activity 2: Active and Passive Voice
Multiplication Game: (Share your screen)
Change the fractions below to percentages.
1. 8/10
2. 8/40
3. 8/25
4. 6/50
5. 9/36
6. 9/20
7. 12/40
8. 8.5/50
9. 1/5
10. 3.5/4
11. 7/28
12. 25/40 (expect a decimal!)
13. There are 45 children in my class. 9 of them are at break. How many are not at break?
14. On my test, I scored 8.5 out of 25. What was my percentage?
15. There are 200 toys in a shipment. 65 of them are tablets, 9 of them are dolls and the rest are action figures. Calculate the percentage of each.
Research & Writing
Research an animal of your choice. Write an essay to share fun facts and interesting information about this animal. Your essay should not copy information from the internet; it must be written in your own words.
Your essay must include:
- The name and physical description of the animal
-Behavioural characteristics
-Its diet (including its prey)
-Its habitat
+other information
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Could you do this job?
Activity 1:
Cameroon, in West Africa, is a mixture of desert plains in the north, mountains in the central regions, and tropical rain forests in the south. Along its western border with Nigeria are mountains, which include the volcanic Cameroon Mountain—the highest point in West Africa.
Approximately 250 ethnic groups speaking about 270 languages and dialects make Cameroon a remarkably diverse country.
The Republic of Cameroon is a union of two former United Nations' territories—French Cameroon, which became independent in 1960, and southern British Cameroons, which joined it in 1961.
Tribes lived in Cameroon's highlands more than 1,500 years ago and began spreading south as they cleared forests for new farms.
Cameroon's colonial name comes from the cameros, or prawns, that 15th-century explorers found in the Wouri River. Between 1884 and 1916, Germany united the southern and northern areas into a colony. Germany's defeat in World War I led to Cameroon's separation between France and Britain. The French tightly ruled the east from the capital, Yaoundé.
The rain forests in the south of Cameroon are home to screaming red and green monkeys, chimpanzees, and gorillas, as well as rodents, bats, and a great diversity of birds—from tiny sunbirds to giant hawks and eagles.
A few elephants can be found in the forest and in the grassy woodlands, where baboons and several types of antelope are the most common animals.
The rain forests in the south of Cameroon are home to screaming red and green monkeys, chimpanzees, and gorillas, as well as rodents, bats, and a great diversity of birds—from tiny sunbirds to giant hawks and eagles.
A few elephants can be found in the forest and in the grassy woodlands, where baboons and several types of antelope are the most common animals.
1. In paragraph 1, what is the part of speech of 'volcanic'?
2. In paragraph 2, why is Cameroon described as 'diverse'?
3. Name 3 animals you would find in Cameroon.
4. What do you think is the purpose of this article?
5. How did Cameroon acquire its name?
6. How did Germany's defeat in World War 1 affect Cameroon?
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Warm-up assessment: https://www.liveworksheets.com/sa1233624jf
1. There are 40 carpenters in a crew. On a certain day, 24 were present. What percent showed up for work?
2. There are 32 students in a certain class. Eight of those students are women. What percent are men?
3. I have 60 video games on my tablet. 15 of them are car-racing games.
a. What percentage are car-racng games?
b. What percentage are not car-racing games?
4. Emma scores 72 marks out of 80 in her English exam. Convert her marks into percent.
5. A cow gives 24L of milk each day. If the milkman sells 18L of the milk, what percentage of milk was sold?
Thursday, October 21st, 2021
Percentages Speed Test: (Level 1 & Level 2)
Section A:
Find 20% of:
1) 75 2) 180 3) 950 4) 2400
Find 30% of:
5) 1050 6) 60
Increase the following by 40%:
7) 3900 8) 1250
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