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Advanced Class 3/4 full Comp/ Maths Section C





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11. I had $10  to buy a book costing $4.95, a cake costing $
1.30 and a new pen. I got $2.25 change. How much did the pen cost?

12. My aunt is saving all her 5c coins in a jar.
 The total amount of money in the jar is $18.55.
 How many coins are in the jar?

13. Solomon purchases half a dozen keyrings for $33.60. He then sold them individually for $5.40. 
Calculate the amount of money Solomon earned after selling all the keyrings. 

14. A shopkeeper is selling 5 books for $30.00. How much would it cost to buy eleven books? 


Corals are tiny animals (not plants) called polyps. Coral polyps belong to the same group as the jelly fish family. There are different types of corals, hard corals like brain coral and soft coral like sea fans. Coral takes a long time to grow. (0.5cm to 2cm per year), therefore that is one of the main reasons why the Marine Pollution Act states that it is illegal to buy, sell or damage coral. 
Polyps live in colonies. They attach themselves to rocks and as they continue to grow they fuse together and reefs are formed. Coral Reefs are the largest structures on the planet created by animals. Barbados is renowned as the home of some of the healthiest reefs in the Caribbean and it also provides great opportunities for diving. 
Barbados is surrounded by coral formations of varying sizes, shapes and features. It is a drawing card for many tourists who love diving and experiencing the intrigue and beauty of the reefs that make up the natural scenery of marine life. Many writers have referred to the reefs off Barbados as beautiful and unspoilt. 

Coral can be damaged by the runoff of chemicals  from the land because of the many housing settlements along the coast, this has become a threat. Chemicals flow into the waters from agricultural run-off and sewage. This is extremely worrying as many coral spawn all at once and only once per year, therefore, once coral is damaged we must wait an entire year before more is spawned. 
Coral reefs in Barbados protect the beaches from erosion and wave action. Barbados' white sand is primarily derived from coral. No coral, therefore, no beach, therefore no tourism. 

1. What are corals?

2. How are corals formed?

3. What has the government done to protect the coral?

4. According to the passage, what poses a threat to corals around Barbados?

5. Why is chemical damage to coral so worrying?

6. How did the writer show that coral takes a long time to grow?

7. Write a sentence from the passage that shows that man has no input in the creation of coral reefs. 

8. Give 2 benefits of coral reefs to Barbados. 


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