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Thursday, June 3rd, 2021- English Test

 1. What is 25% of 645?

2. What number is 10% more than 6000?

3. Increase 5800 by 20%. 

4. A sofa costs $3050. The price is reduced by 10%. What is the new price of the sofa?

5. The journey from St. Lucy to St. Phillip is 120 miles. If you walk 25% of the way, how far did you walk?


Write the correct form of the adjective in brackets to complete EACH sentence. You MUST spell correctly. 

Example: Meisha is the shorter of the two sisters. (short)

1. Kerron's kite flew _____ than his brother's. (high)

2. She was the ______ woman in the world at that time. (powerful)

3. We had _____ rain today than yesterday. (much)

4. The sky was the _____ colour I have ever seen. (strange)

In each sentence there are two words in brackets. Choose the correct word to correctly complete each sentence. 

5. Marcus became sick with the (flu/flew) last week. 

6. Mummy chose not to (die/dye) her hair when it turned grey. 

7. Queen Elizabeth has been on the (thrown/throne) for too long. 

In the space provided write the SIMPLE PAST TENSE of the verb given in brackets. You must spell correctly. 

8. The young man ____ the old lady. (help)

9. The player _____ the ball. (drop)

10. My mother ____ everything she could. (try)

11. The students ____ the books last week. (read)

12. Carol-Ann ____ her homework. (do)

Choose the correct prefix from the list below to complete the sentences. 

        em        dis        il        semi        im

13. He used the saw to cut ____circles in his designs. 

14. The teacher prepared a lesson on _____legal dumping in Barbados. 

15. The customers at the restaurant were ____satisfied with the service provided. 

16. Water from the pond is ____pure and not fit for drinking. 

17. The programmes were designed to _____ the students. 

Write the sentences below in the passive voice. YOUR TENSES MUST BE CORRECT. 

18. The students will buy the gift. 

19. Jenny took the bat. 

20. Rico is playing football. 

Use the correct form of the word in CAPITALS to complete the sentences. 


DESCRIBE: The witness gave a description of the thief. 

21. INFORM:        She helped us find the ________ we needed. 

22. FREQUENT:     The principal spoke to us ______ about our behaviour. 

23.  SUDDENLY:    Our dog made a ______ dash under the staircase. 

24. CHALLENGE: These questions are quite _________. 

25.  BEAUTY:         Potted plants can be used to ______ your home. 

Read the following passage carefully. 

     Sea turtles are in danger of becoming extinct. These turtles face both natural threats and human-caused threats. Predators such as raccoons, birds, crabs and ants feed on the sea turtle’s eggs and their hatchlings. These threats are not the main reason why the sea turtle population has plummeted towards extinction.

     Humans consume the eggs and meat of these turtles. Sea turtles become entangled in the nets of fishermen. They also become entangled in marine debris which passengers throw overboard boats. Not only do they become entangled in this debris but they also eat the debris and die. Plastic bags, bottles, balloons and pellets are all deadly meals for sea turtles .Artificial lighting from houses and hotels that humans build along the beach discourages females from nesting and causes hatchlings to wander inland where they often die.

The following questions are about the passage which you have just read. Write complete sentences in answer to these questions. Pay attention to your spelling and grammar. 

1. Apart from man, name three animals that eat the eggs of the sea turtle.

2. How do you think plastic and other debris got into the sea?

3. Based on information given in the passage, state a natural threat that affects the survival of sea turtles.

4. Using the information given in the passage, name two things in which the sea turtle becomes entangled while in the sea.

5. What do you think the word extinct (line 1) means?

6. What part of speech is the word 'human-caused' as used in line 1 of the passage?

7. According to the passage, what are two negative effects that artificial lighting has on sea turtles?

8. Which word in the passage is used to refer to matters relating to the sea?


1. What is 25% of 6000?

2. What number is 10% more than 700?

3. Increase 500 by 20%. 

4. A sofa costs $300. The price is reduced by 20%. What is the new price of the sofa?

5. The journey from St. Lucy to St. Phillip is 140 miles. If you walk 25% of the way, how far did you walk?


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