1. In a shipment, there are 50 pounds of potatoes. 23 pounds of the potatoes are rotten.
a. What percentage is rotten?
b. What percentage is good?
2. There are 50 children in my school. 17 of them do well in English.
a. What percentage do well in English?
b. What percentage do not do well in English?
3. 25 runners attend a race. 4 of them qualify for the Olympics.
a. What percentage qualify?
b. What percentage does not qualify?
4. There are 50 types of food on a menu. 10 of the items are pasta options, 21 are meat options and 3 are fish options.
a. Pasta options = ______%
b. Meat options = ______%
c. Fish options= _______%
1. Today we had a test. Out of 20 questions, I got 11 wrong.
a. What percentage did I get right?
b. What percentage did I get wrong?
2. My laptop has 25 Gigabytes of space. I have used 19 Gigabytes.
a. What percentage of the space have I used?
b. What percentage of the space remains?
3. Out of 20 packs of snacks, 6 are Chee-Zees, 3 are popcorn and 5 are ring-pops.
a. What percentage of the snacks are Chee-Zees?
b. What percentage of the snacks are popcorn?
c. What percentage are ring-pops?
4. Out of 10 tries, Daniel is successful 8 times. What percentage of times is he not successful?
5. 25 people were tested for Dengue. 5 of the tests are positive.
a. What percentage tested positive?
b. What percentage tested negative?
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