Matter is everything that we come across in our lives, like the air you breathe, the clothes you wear, cool drinks – literally everything!
When we talk about the states of matter, we mostly talk about solids, liquids and gases.
Molecules are made up of two or more atoms. Atoms are tiny, tiny particles or building blocks which make up substance.
So atoms when put together form molecules, which form cells, which form our organs and our populations and our planets and the galaxies and so on.
What are the different states of matter?
Solids are objects that keep their own shape and do not flow in a given temperature. Ice is a solid but when it melts it becomes a liquid. Other examples of solids are cars, books and clothes.
Solids can be different colors and textures, and they can be turned into different shapes, for example clay. Solids are made up of molecules which group together and don’t move around.
Liquids do not have their own shape but can take the shape of the container they are in and they can flow at a given temperature. Examples of liquids are tea, water and blood.
You can measure a liquid in a cup or a spoon. Liquids are made up of molecules which are further apart than in solids and can move around easily.
Gases are air-like substances that can move around freely or flow to fit a container and they don’t have their own shape. You can put your hand through gases and you won’t feel them.
If they get out their container they can spread easily. We are surrounded by different gases in the air we breathe.
Q. Can you name the three most common states of matter?
Q. What is an atom?
Q. Can you name two ways of measuring a liquid?
Q. What is a gas?
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