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Homeschool - Social Studies

 Self Image & Self Esteem

Self-control when we are angry

Self-esteem is your assessment of your personal worth as a human being, and it is largely based on your approval of yourself and the approval of others around you.  Self-esteem is a combination of many traits and attitudes you have about yourself, so it can be a challenge to change. One tough thing to change is how we respond when we are angry.


For the newsletter, write a 100-word article explaining what you have learned about self-image and self-esteem. Makeda will edit. 

Families in the Caribbean

From your textbook, write notes on the following:

a. What is a family?

b. Each family structure in the Caribbean. 

c. Draw the diagram on parental roles. (Pg. 22)

1. Lately, Tristan’s aunt has been noticing that he wants to make decisions for himself, spend more time with his friends and is more aware of himself and how he looks. Tristan is MOST likely becoming 
(A) a child                         (B) an adult 
(C) an adolescent               (D) an elderly person

2. Which of the following are desirable for healthy social interaction?
I. Caring
II. Understanding
III. Exercising regularly

(A) I and II only
(B) I and III only
(C) II and III only
(D) I, II, and III

3. Which of the following could be classified
as a need for a teenager?
(A) A vehicle
(B) A cellular phone
(C) A good education
(D) Brand name clothing

4. What was Stacey Bob’s name before marriage? 
(A) Scott         (B) Jones         (C) Carty         (D) Brown 

5. How many of Stacey’s aunts are identified in the diagram? 
(A) 1         (B) 2         (C) 3         (D) 

6. Stacey, James, and their children were living with their parents for some time. They recently bought and moved into their own home. Which of the following types of family structure describes their new household? 

(A) Nuclear         (B) Blended         (C) Extended         (D) Single parent

7. James, who possesses a positive self-image, is MOST likely to 
(A) work hard and be motivated 
(B) plan how to prevent the success of others 
(C) fight with those who speak negatively about him 
(D) discriminate against the less fortunate

8. Which of the following situations would MOST likely result in conflict between a parent and a child?
 (A) The child’s constant use of social media 
(B) The child attends choir practice regularly 
(C) The parent expresses concern when the child seems upset 
(D) The parent attends parent-teacher meetings at school

9. Which characteristics should a role model possess? 
I. Honesty     II. Fairness     III. Inflexibility 

(A) I and II         (B) I and III         (C) II and III         (D) I, II, and III

10. All students have a right to an education. As students, they have a responsibility to 
(A) attend only their favorite classes 
(B) be regular at classes 
(C) complete Mathematics assignments
 (D) obey some of the school rules

11.  Arnold: Have you completed the Social Studies assignment? 
Sophia: Long time boy. I found a very similar assignment online and the person got an A, so I just copied it. 

 Which of the following is Sophia guilty of?
 (A) Piracy         (B) Hacking         (C) Plagiarism         (D) Identity theft

12. Caribbean citizens can reduce the effects of climate change by 
(A) using solar energy                     (B) dumping illegally 
(C) cutting down trees                     (D) using petroleum products

Norms and Values

Social norms are informal, mostly unwritten, rules that define acceptable and appropriate actions within a group or community. They guide human behaviour ad are different within each community or group. 


Value is the acceptable way of living considered normal by a particular group of people

Thursday, November 10, 2022

 Culture & National Identity

Cultural is a way of life of a people in a given society. 

Culture is learned and Acquired – From the stage of early childhood, culture is transmitted to individuals. Culture is learned throughout the lives of individuals. Throughout the stages of life, culture keeps on changing and it should be learned continuously.

Elements of Culture





National Symbols of Barbados 

Barbados Coat Of Arms

The Golden Shield carries two Pride of Barbados flowers and the Bearded Fig Tree. The shield is supported by a dolphin (symbolic of the fishing industry) and by a pelican

Above the shield are a helmet and a hand of a Barbadian holding two crossed pieces of sugarcane. 

Ethnicity & Race in the Caribbea


 There are whites, blacks, browns, yellows, reds, and an assortment of shades in between. There are Europeans, Africans, Asian Indians,  Chinese, Aboriginal Indians, and many mixes. There are Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Jews, Rastafarians, Santería, Winti, Vudun, etc. 

They speak in a multitude of tongues—Spanish, English, Dutch, French, English, and a diverse number of Creoles such as papiamentu, sranan tongo, ndjuka, saramaccan, kromanti, kreyol, as well as Hindustani, Bhojpuri, Urdu, etc. 

In whatever combinations of race, religion, language, and culture they cohere and coexist. Perhaps, no other region of the world is so richly varied. Remarked Caribbean scholar, Michel-Rolph Trouillot: “Caribbean societies are inescapably heterogenous...the Caribbean has long been an area where some people live next to others who are remarkably distinct. The region—and indeed particular territories within it—has long been multi-racial, multi-lingual, stratified, and some would say, multi-cultural.

An ethnic group is a social group that shares a common and distinctive culture, religion, language, or the like. 

Our main ethnicities are Groups of Indigenous peoples, Africans, Indians, Europeans, Chinese and Portuguese.

Race refers to a category of people who share certain inherited physical characteristics, such as skin color, facial features, and stature.

Race & Ethnicity in Barbados 


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