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Homeschool - Term 3 Week 2


Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Elements of a Story

Write a composition on one of the topics below:

1. The Great Escape

2. A Trip to an Amusement Park

3. Use the pictures below to write a story

1.     34 x 28 = 

2.     List the first 5 multiples of: 



3. . How much time has passed from 10:40 P.M. to 1:40 A.M ?

4.  Sarah has 9 notebooks. Each notebook has 205 pages. How many pages are there in all?

5. Write as a  decimal: sixty-five and four thousandths

6. Write each decimal in word form. 

a. 302.78_________________________                     b.   15.023__________________________

7. Find the area and perimeter.


8.  Find the area and perimeter.

9. Anna’s dad is 36. He is 9 times as old as she is. How old is Anna?

Multiply the following fractions and reduce the answers to lowest terms. 

13. Ms. Smith has twelve weeks to practice for a running race. In 1 week, she plans to run 17 miles. How many miles will Ms. Smith run all together?



Find a book of your choice. You will prepare a book report during this week and present it to the class. 
It will be due on Friday

Your book report must include:
- the title and author
- the year it was published
- a list of the characters
- a summary of the plot
- a detailed explanation of the conflict
- a detailed explanation of the solution
- include either your favourite part of the book or something you didn't quite understand

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Complete the following using words formed from the ones in brackets.

1. I have great _______________________ in you. ( confide ). 

2. My _____________________ is quite large. ( reside )

3. My ____________________ wore thin as a result of her bad behaviour. ( patient )

4. The ________________________child did not listen to his father’s advice (obey ) 

5. His _______________________ resulted in a very sizeable donation. ( persist) 

6. The ____________________ all pointed to his guilt.( evident )

7. What is the cause of your irregular ______________? ( attend )

8. All his _____________________ moved to a different clinic? ( patient)

9. My brother was well known for his ______________________ demeanor. (please)

10. ____________________ of the law can not be offered as an excuse for doing wrong. (ignore)

Rewrite the following in the active voice.


The children are being taught by Carla. (Present Continuous Tense)

Carla is teaching the children.

The children were taught by Carla. (Past Tense)

Carla taught the children.

1. Cakes are being baked by the ladies. ________________________________________________________________________________ 

2. The tiles will be laid by the workmen. _________________________________________________________________________________

 3. Was the window broken by you? _________________________________________________________________________________ 

4. Every Friday fishcakes and pigtails are sold by the Brownies. _________________________________________________________________________________ 

5. All the bottles of hand sanitizers were bought by the customers. _________________________________________________________________________________

Crop Over

    The Crop Over festival brings people from all walks of life together in a festive atmosphere. It usually begins at the end of June and lasts about five weeks. The festival is deep-rooted in history as it celebrates the end of the sugar cane harvest, which was a rest period in colonial times. Hence, the name Crop Over was attached. 

    There was a period in the mid-twentieth century when the festival was discontinued. Some say this was because the sugar industry had fallen into a rut and others say that it was because of World War 2. However, in1974, the festival was revived and is now known in many places in the world. 

    The National Cultural Foundation (NCF) stages the main events of the festival. The festival kicks off with the Opening Gala, which showcases the Ceremonial Delivery of the Last Canes. During the festival season, nationals and visitors alike visit calypso tents to hear the new songs. Only recently, the NCF organised cavalcades- shows with mainly calypso performances by various artists- designed to whet villagers' appetite very early in the season. 

1. How long does the festival last?

2. In which month does the festival start?

3. In colonial times, what did Crop Over celebrate?

4. In which year was the festival revived?

5. Write another suitable word for "discontinued" (line 7)

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Trying Foods from around the world

Rewrite these sentences in the passive voice. 

1. Do children still read physical books? __________________________________________________________________________

 2. Co-Vid 19 has infected thousands of people worldwide. ___________________________________________________________________________ 

3. Every Saturday my father mows the front and back lawns. ___________________________________________________________________________ 

4. Did Blue House win the Athletic Championship again? ___________________________________________________________________________ 

5. The ladies cancelled the planned cruise. ___________________________________________________________________________

Underline the correct word. 

1. The athletes had to (practise, practice) regularly. 

2. He did not listen to his father’s (advise, advice) so he failed the test. 

3. The footballers carefully put away (there, their, they’re) gear. 

4. The (peel, peal) of the bell rang through the air. 

5. He was in (imminent, eminent) danger of being injured.

6. The manager did not (ascent, assent) to the worker’s request. 

7. (Wrap, Rap) on the door and wait for a response.

 8. Many Barbadians lined the (root, route) to see the Royal couple.

An extract from ‘The Secret Garden’

If you come across words that you do not know, please look 
up the meaning. 

At last the horses began to go more slowly, as if they were climbing up-hill, and presently there seemed to be no more hedges and no more trees. She could see nothing, in fact, but a dense darkness on either side. She leaned forward and pressed her face against the window just as the carriage gave a big jolt.
“Eh! We’re on the moor now sure enough,” said Mrs. Medlock.
The carriage lamps shed a yellow light on a rough-looking road which seemed to be cut through bushes and low-growing things which ended in the great expanse of dark apparently spread out before and around them. A wind was rising and making a singular, wild, low, rushing sound.
“It’s—it’s not the sea, is it?” said Mary, looking round at her companion.
“No, not it,” answered Mrs. Medlock. “Nor it isn’t fields nor mountains, it’s just miles and miles and miles of wild land that nothing grows on but heather and gorse and broom, and nothing lives on but wild ponies and sheep.”
“I feel as if it might be the sea, if there were water on it,” said Mary. “It sounds like the sea just now.”
“That’s the wind blowing through the bushes,” Mrs. Medlock said. “It’s a wild, dreary enough place to my mind, though there’s plenty that likes it—particularly when the heather’s in bloom.”
On and on they drove through the darkness, and though the rain stopped, the wind rushed by and whistled and made strange sounds. The road went up and down, and several times the carriage passed over a little bridge beneath which water rushed very fast with a great deal of noise. Mary felt as if the drive would never come to an end and that the wide, bleak moor was a wide expanse of black ocean through which she was passing on a strip of dry land.
“I don’t like it,” she said to herself. “I don’t like it,” and she pinched her thin lips more tightly

by Frances Hodgson Burnett

Answer these questions about the text that you’ve just read.

1. What can Mary see when she first looks out of the carriage?
A Hedges and trees
B Darkness
C The road
D The sea
E The moor

2. Which of these things is not mentioned by Mrs Medlock?
A Moor
B Gorse
C Wind
D Water

3. How do you think Mary feels as they travel?
A Excited
B Anxious
C Tired
D Sick
E Enthusiastic

4. How is the moor described in the passage?
A Treacherous and boggy
B Full of wildlife
C Untamed and desolate
D Mountainous and bare
E Dry and barren

5. Why does Mary ask “it’s not the sea, is it?” (line 9)?
A She can hear seagulls above her.
B She can see nothing but darkness all around.
C She can smell salt in the air.
D She can feel the carriage jolting.
E She can see water out of the window.

6. Which of these best describes the journey?
A Uphill and smooth
B Fast and exciting
C Uncomfortable and lonely
D Strange but interesting
E Long and disorientating

7. What kind of mood does the author create in lines 17-23?
A Unsettling
B Relaxing
C Melancholy
D Terrifying
E Cheerful

8. What kind of text is this?
A Biography
B Travel writing
C A fairy tale
D Fiction
E A diary
E Sheep 

9. Which of these words is closest in meaning to the word “expanse” (line 7)?
A Open
B View
C Area
D Boundary
E Horizon

10. Which of these words is closest in meaning to “singular” (line 8)?
A Strange
B Loud
C Quiet
D Lonely
E Exciting

11. “the carriage passed over a little bridge beneath which water rushed” (lines 18-19).
Which of the words in this sentence is a preposition?
A the
B carriage
C little
D beneath
E rushed

12. “the wide, bleak moor was a wide expanse of black ocean” (lines 20-21).
What technique is used here?
A A simile
B A metaphor
C An allusion
D Onomatopoeia
E A cliché

13. What type of words are these?

ponies sheep mountains bushes

A Abstract nouns
B Proper nouns
C Common nouns
D Collective nouns
E Pronouns

1. Bill goes to a car rally. He keeps a note of the race times of the cars in minutes: 
 122, 133, 142, 154, 122, 156, 134 
What is the difference between the fastest and slowest times?

2. Which of these numbers is 21 squared ? 
A 42     B 441     C 4410     D 4200     E 44110

3. A scarf is 45 cm long. Jade buys 20 scarves. What is the total length of the scarves in metres?

4. Bernard is running from St. Peter to St. John. The distance is 874 miles. If he runs 25 miles a day, how many days will it take him to run the distance?

5. Calculate the difference in centimetres between the Perimeter and the Area of the shape shown below?

6. Penny has a drawer containing 36 socks. 2 ⁄3 of them are white socks. How many white socks are in the drawer?

7. 50 people were asked what colour their car was. 16 people said blue. What percentage of people did not say blue?

8. Moses plans on using 2 different types of tiles on his bathroom floor. 55% of the tiles will be white and 45% will be black. Write the ratio of white to black tiles in its simplest form

9. Carrie buys 4 chocolate bars at 49c each, and 7 bags of peanuts at 29c
 each. How much does she spend in total?

10. Circle the number with the largest value.
 6.03     5.05     6.10     5.99     6.09

Friday, April 22, 2022

Time: 35 minutes

1. What is the main thing that viruses and bacteria have in common?

2. In your own words, explain the meaning of pathogens. 

3. State 2 ways how bacteria and viruses are spread. 

4. Viruses need a _______ to reproduce. 

5. Why is bacteria considered to be living?

6. Why is an antibiotic used?

7. Use the internet to find:
a. One disease caused by bacteria
b. One disease caused by a virus

8. Summarise what you have learned from this video in 2 - 3 sentences. 

  1. Add together two thousand three hundred and seven AND one thousand and twenty-four.

  2. When two numbers are added together the total is 32. When the same two numbers are multiplied the result is 240. Find the two numbers.

  3. Sophie thinks of a number, doubles it and adds 8. The answer was 26. What was the number she was thinking of?

  4. How many small rectangles of the size shown will fit into the larger rectangle below?

  1. The pie chart shows the activities of a group of children on a Saturday morning. 8 children went to the library.

  1. How many children are in the group in all?

  2. What percentage does ‘Clubs’ represent?

6. A list of angles is given below. Which angles are acute?


9. A mother seal is fed 5 fish for every 2 fish for its baby receives. Together Alice fed them 28 fish. How many fish does the mother get?

10. Ravi bought a pack of 30 biscuits. He ate a fifth of them on Thursday. He ate a third of the remaining biscuits on Friday. How many biscuits did he have left?

11.  John uses a piece of string to measure the perimeter of shapes. It fits exactly around a rectangle 10 cm by 8 cm. What is the total length of the string?

12. Write the portion that is shaded as a percentage. 

13. There are 500 people on a flight. The ratio of adults to children is 7:3. How many adults are there? How many children?

14. Kamilah took $7.75 to her school book fair.  She bought 3 posters and7 stickers. What is the greatest number of pencils she can buy with the change she has remaining?

15. Rodrigo filled up his tank with 10 gallons of gas, which cost him $45.00. How much would he have paid for 25 gallons of gas?

*Hint: How much does 1 gallon cost?

Write a descriptive composition entitled, My Dream Room.

Your composition should use your senses to describe the room.

 Go into lots of detail about what it looks like (color, decorations, lights, furniture)
What does it sound like (Is it mostly silent, do you play music?)
What does it smell like? (does is smell like candles, food, incense, dirty laundry)

What does it feel like? (is it warm and cozy, is it cold?)


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