Saturday, May 18, 2024
Class 3's
I dared not stir out of my castle for days, lest some savage should capture me. However, I gained a little courage and went with much dread to make sure that the footprint was not mine. I measured my foot against it. Mine was not nearly so large. A stranger, maybe a savage, must have been on shore, and fear again filled my heart.
I determined now to make my house more secure than ever. I built another wall around it, in which I fixed six guns, so that, if need be, I could fire six in two minutes. Then I planted young trees all around. I feared my goats might be hurt or stolen from me, so I fenced round several plots of ground, as much out of sight as possible, and put some goats in each plot. I did all this, while I lived with a terrible fear in my mind that I might one day meet an enemy. I had lived eighteen years on this lonely island.
Once, when on the opposite side of the island, I was filled with horror, for on the ground I saw the remains of a fire, and also a number of human bones. This told me plainly that cannibals had been there.
From Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe
Underline the correct answers.
1. How did Robinson Crusoe know that the footprint was not his?
It was smaller than his
It was larger than his
It had a strange shape
2.How quickly could Robinson Crusoe fire his guns?
(a) in thirty seconds (b) in one minute ( c) in two minutes
3 .How long had Robinson Crusoe lived on the island?
Eighteen months (b) Eight years (c)Eighteen years
4. What did Crusoe feel might be stolen from him?
(a) his guns (b) his freedom (C) his goats
Answer the following questions in complete sentences
5 .What two things did Robinson Crusoe do to protect his house?
6.How did Robinson Crusoe ensure the safety of his goats?
7. What was Robinson Crusoe’s greatest fear?
8. Why did Robinson Crusoe think that cannibals were on the island?
9. Which word means the same as “if need be”?
(a) being (b) necessary (c) voluntary
10-13. Write a word from the passage which means the same as these word or phrases:
Catch: made up my mind:
Go out : safe:
14 Who is the author of this extract?
Bajan Conkies
This sweet cornmeal based food is perfect for dessert and is
well- liked especially around the month of November.
12 ounces of cornmeal
12 ounces of grated pumpkin
8 ounces of sweet potato
10 ounces of brown sugar
2 ounces of self-raising flour
6 ounces of melted butter
10 ounces of milk
1 teaspoon of mixed spice
1 teaspoon of nutmeg
1 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of mixed essence
4 ounces of raisins
4 large banana leaves (singed)
12 pieces of 20-inch long string
Mix together the pumpkin, coconut, and sweet potato. Add the sugar, salt, spices and mixed essence. Stir in raisins, flour and cornmeal and mix well. Combine milk and melted butter and add to dry ingredients until well blended. Cut banana leaves into 10 inch squares and place 4 tablespoons of the mixture on each square. Fold the leaf and tie the string. Steam the conkies in a basket over a saucepan of boiling water until firm and cooked.
Complete the sentences by inserting the missing words.
1. The two main ingredients in conkies are _________ and ____________.
2. Conkies are best eaten as __________.
3. A synonym found in the passage for the word blend is __________.
4. Salt, sugar and essence are used in the recipe to add __________ to the conkies.
5. Two ingredients which add moisture to conkies are _________ and ___________.
6.Conkies are wrapped in ___________ ___________
7. ______________ is used to prevent the conkies from opening.
8. Conkies are cooked (finished) when they have a ________ texture.
9. Twelve ________________ are used in making conkies.
10. _____________ is the method used for cooking conkies.
Saturday, May 25, 2024
A Simple English Course
1 Punctuation 3
2 Composition Writing 8
3 Parts Of Speech 12
4 Reading Comprehension 16
5 Synonyms 28
6 Understanding Poetry 32
7 Keeping A Diary 36
8 Dictionary Skills 40
9 Dramatic Activity 44
10 Creating Dialogue 48
Circle the letter of the correct answer.
The longest chapter is:
(a) chapter six
(b) chapter ten
(C) chapter one
(d) chapter four
2. You would read about acting in chapter:
(a) three
(b) eight
(c) nine
(d) two
3. Information about word meanings would be found in:
(a) Dictionary Skills
(b)Creating Dialogue
(C) Synonyms
(d) Punctuation
4. Similar words would be found in the chapter about:
(b) Parts Of Speech
(C) Keeping A Diary
(d) Synonyms
5. You would read chapter three to find out about:
(a) Verbs
(c) Writing about your thoughts
(d) Understanding Poetry
6. To learn about writing about your thoughts, ideas and experiences, you would read the chapter about :
(a) Reading Comprehension
(b) Dictionary Skills
(C) Dramatic Skills
(d) Keeping A Diary
7. To learn to write about “My Best Friend” you would read chapter:
(a) two (b) six (c) three (d) ten
8. The chapter about Punctuation would teach about:
(a) stories and fairy tales
(b) answering questions
(C) using commas, question marks and full stops
(d) using paragraphs
9. The title of the book is:
(a) Keeping A Diary
(b) A Simple English Course
(C) Chapters
(d) Creating Dialogue
10. Chapter 7 is about:
(a) Keeping A Diary
(b) Synonyms)
(C) Understanding Poetry
(d)Creating Dialogue
Saturday, June 1st, 2024
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