Saturday, May 18, 2024 Class 3's COMPREHENSION I dared not stir out of my castle for days, lest some savage should capture me. However, I gained a little courage and went with much dread to make sure that the footprint was not mine. I measured my foot against it. Mine was not nearly so large. A stranger, maybe a savage, must have been on shore, and fear again filled my heart. I determined now to make my house more secure than ever. I built another wall around it, in which I fixed six guns, so that, if need be, I could fire six in two minutes. Then I planted young trees all around. I feared my goats might be hurt or stolen from me, so I fenced round several plots of ground, as much out of sight as possible, and put some goats in each plot. I did all this, while I lived with a terrible fear in my mind that I might one day meet an enemy. I had lived eighteen y...