Tests & Assignments this week: 1. Vocabulary test 2. Group presentation Write the meanings below. Brevity- using few words Amiable- to be lovable, sweet-tempered, or kind Amiss- improper, wrong, or faulty Chastise- to rebuke or reprimand severely; punish Detriment- state of being harmed or damaged Eccentric- unconventional or strange behavior Flagrant- obviously offensive Duress- force to do something by threatening Gingerly- with extreme care or caution. Hallowed- regarded as holy ******** Paraphrasing & Summarizing ******* This is an important area across all subjects. It avoids plagiarism. Let’s look at using synonyms correctly to help paraphrase & summarise: The United States, Germany, Japan and other industrial powers are being transformed from industrial economies to knowledge and information based service economies, whilst manufacturing has been moving to low wage countries . In a knowledge and information based economy, knowledge and inf...