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Warm- up:


1. A noun is the name of a person, place, or thing.

2. Nouns are divided into five different kinds : --

Proper Nouns 

Common Nouns

Collective nouns

Material Nouns

Abstract Nouns

Activity 1:

Activity 2:

Activity 3: 

Read the passage below carefully, then answer the questions that follow.

 It was a fine and breezy afternoon. Jessie and her brother were far out at sea fishing. It was a good trip so far. By noon they had already caught five fish. They were now resting and joking in the boat as they enjoyed their snack. 
Suddenly and without warning, Jessie's face turned shockingly pale. Her brother Owen, looked at her thinking she had fallen ill. His eyes followed her gaze as she pointed to the starboard side. To his horror, he saw a triangular fin above the water. Hurriedly he dashed to the back of the boat and tried desperately to start the motor. However, it was stuck. 

The siblings panicked. They did not know what to do. Jessie armed herself with the oar, preparing to strike the monstrous beast when it attacked. Owen continued to fiddle with the control in an effort to get the motor to start. The triangular fin continued to circle the boat, getting closer with the completion of each circle. As the fin got closer to the boat, the siblings began to think that they were about to meet their doom. 

Just as the creature was about to touch the boat, to their huge relief, the motor revved into action. The boat sped off quickly towards the shore. Once they were at a safe distance, Jessie and Owen slumped onto their seats and wiped perspiration from their foreheads. Thank goodness, they were not harmed! 


1. Give evidence from paragraph 1 which shows that the children were pleased with their trip. 

2. "Jessie's face turned shockingly pale". Explain why this was so.

3. The creature in the story was most likely a ___________ . 

4. What word in paragraph 3 tells us that the children were afraid?

5. Explain what is meant by, "about to meet their doom". 

6. How were the siblings able to escape?

7. Give another word for 'perspiration'. 

8. Which of th·e following is a suitable title for the passage?
(A) A Tragic Outing
(B) Attacked at Sea
(C) A Fearful Experience
(D) Sibling Rivalry at Sea 

May 25, 2018 was a big moment in Barbadian history. The Honourable Mia Amor Mottley became Barbados' eighth and first female Prime Minister. 

Mia Mottley’s victory in these elections returned the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) to power on the island of some 285,000 people for the first time in a decade. Prior to this victory, Barbados was governed by the Democratic Labour Party under the leadership of Freundel Stuart. 

A humble Mottley thanked Barbados for the historic win, which became clear just after midnight on May 25th. “There should be no time for boasting. We are all one people. We are Barbadians,” she said to loud applause. “We will need many hands to help make light work. We will rebuild Barbados together!”

Mia Mottley is no stranger to politics. She first entered Barbadian politics back in 1991. “Mia”, as many Barbadians call her, also comes from a political family. Her father, grandfather and uncle were all part of the Barbadian political scene many years ago. It is even rumoured that the former Queen’s College student once told a teacher that she would one day be the island’s first female leader. 

1. Why was May 24th, 2018 considered an important date in Barbadian history?



2. Before 2018, in what year was the BLP last in power?



3. Why is the word “some” used to describe the population of Barbados in paragraph 2?



4. In paragraph 3, what promise did Mia Mottley make to Barbadians?



5. “Mia Mottley is no stranger to politics.” What does this sentence mean?



6. What part of speech is “political” as used in paragraph 4?



7. What word can be used to replace “governed” (paragraph 2)?



8. In what year did Mia Mottley first enter Barbadian politics?



Activity 1: 

Activity 2: Synonyms

Write this: 

A synonym is a word that means the same as another. 
Synonyms help us to express ourselves better. 


My uncle was in a sad mood. (unhappy) 

Kayla was furious after she lost the game. (angry)


Match these words to their meaning 

A. drawing         B. point            C. program         D. outline 

E. serve         F. people         G. buy         H. painless

Activity 3:

Activity 4:



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