Factors that Contribute to Stress
Describe your biggest stressors in each of the following categories and rate them on a scale of 1-10, where 1 is “a little stressful” and 10 is “extremely stressful.”
Daily Hassles Common annoyances or strains of daily life
Examples: traffic, chores, work problems, lack of sleep, homework, limited free time, arguments with friends
Life Circumstances
Permanent or long-term circumstances that make life more difficult.
Examples: poverty or financial problems, disability, chronic illness, conflictual relationships, values that conflict
with culture, discrimination, job dissatification, living somewhere unsafe
Factors that Protect Against Stress
Describe the things in your life that counteract stress.
Daily Uplifts
Positive experiences that make you happy.
Examples: eating a good meal, spending time with friends, leisure activities, spending time in nature
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