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Class 4 Lessons - May 30 - June 3


Five packets of parboiled rice cost $4280. How much will 25 packets cost?


Activity 1: Homework correction

How many words can you find? (Aim for 10 words)


Activity 2: 

Activity 3: Subject/Verb Agreement Rules & Exceptions

*Write these down in your book*

Challenging Subject/Verb Agreement Rules

1. The closest word to the verb is not always the subject.

  • The leader of the students has long hair.

  • The subject here is the leader and not the students.

  • The bird in the trees was beautiful.

  • The subject here is the bird and not the students. 

Phrases in parentheses () or between commas are not part of the subject.

  • The man, in addition to his daughter, lives here. (subject = the man)

  • The man (in addition to his daughter) lives here. (subject = the man)


Try these: 

John and his brother (is/are) playing football. 

Aryan (do not/does not) like to play basketball. 

Either of you (have/has) stolen the book. 

Your pants (is/are) in the top shelf. 

My family (belongs/belong) to the Mahou tribe. 

Mr, Swamy as well as his family (is/are) quite humble. 

Mary (sing/sings) very well. 

The novel, including all the essays (take/takes) about two hours to read. 

They (eat/eats) lunch together everyday. 

The players as well as the coach (want/wants) to win. 

Rewrite the sentences and make them passive.

1. They don’t expect you to win the match.


2. He will finish the puzzle by tomorrow.


3. The judge has sentenced many criminals in his career.


4. Millions of people around the world love football.


5. They are tearing down the old bridge at the moment.


6. Has anyone opened these letters?


7. The boys pushed Tom into the river.


8. They say he is an excellent pianist.


9. They gave him a new outfit for the performance.


10. What are they going to ask him?


  • Your composition should have 4 or 5 paragraphs.
  • Each paragraph should be 3-5 lines.
  • Use many adjectives to bring your story to life.
  • Keep your sentences short & simple.
BSSEE 2008-
Write a story that begins:
"I stayed awake all night".

Think of -
Why were you awake?
Where were you?
How did you feel?
What was going to happen?

    I stayed awake all night. I was so nervous about going on a plane for the first time. I would be taking a trip with my family to Jamaica. It was our first trip together.
    That night, I lay in bed staring up at the white ceiling. "What's Jamaica like?" I thought to myself. I wondered if I would be afraid of the plane. As the sun began to rise in the sky, I could fight sleep no longer. My eyelids felt heavy and I soon drifted off to sleep.
    "Wake up, Asha!" I heard someone yelling. It was my mother. It was time to get ready to go to the airport. I was nervous all over again. I quickly got out of bed and got ready. My suitcase was packed and ready.
    We all got into the taxi and made our way to the airport. Mummy was talking non-stop about all the fun things we would do together. My brother was laughing along with her.
    Soon, we reached the airport. My hands shook a bit because I was so nervous. I boarded the plane and fastened my seatbelt. The loud sound of the plane's engine surprised me. "We are ready for take-off," the pilot said. In just a minute we were in the sky. My heart was beating so fast!
    After an hour or so of being in the sky, I began to feel sleepy. After all, I did not sleep very well the night before. I drifted off into a deep sleep. "Prepare for landing," I heard the captain say. Wow! We were landing in Jamaica! It turned out I did not need to be nervous since we had a safe and easy flight. Now, it was time for me to enjoy my vacation in beautiful Jamaica!

Life as a Vagrant

The heat of the morning sun woke me from a restless sleep. Already I could feel the uneasy stares of Bridgetown’s pedestrians as they eyed me with scorn. I couldn’t blame them. It was at least 4 days since my last bath and a few weeks since my teeth or hair were brushed. I looked like an untidy mess. 

My oversized clothes were tattered and stained. My feet were bare and black. My fingernails were sticky with last night’s food. There was nothing pleasant about my looks, but I tried to smile. 

An old lady approached me. I made sure to lower my eyes so she would not be scared of me. She looked at me and came slowly closer. 

“Young man, I will be going into this store, but when I’m done, I’ll be right back to help you.” With that, she walked away. I did not take her too seriously. People were always promising me things. “I’m back,” she said. There she stood with a plastic bag. I could see soaps, lotions and even a brand new towel in her Woolworth bag. In the kindest voice she explained that she was part of a church group and she invited me to go to the church’s shelter to clean up. 

I happily went with her. I got myself cleaned up and a gentleman even gave me a haircut. I looked like a brand new man! I smiled at my reflection. Maybe I was a little handsome!

The people at the church explained to me that they would offer days like this once a week. Even though I would still be homeless, it felt great to know that there were kind people out there who were willing to help me!

1. 12 students play on the school's
basketball team and 36 students
play on the football team. What is the ratio of basketball players
to football players?

2. My bank account has $600. I share this with my children so that one child gets twice as much as the other. How much money does each child get?

3. A length of rope is 9.5 metres long. It is cut into 2 pieces in the ratio 1:4. What is the length of each piece? Your answer must be given in centimetres.

4. My teacher has 40 sheets of paper. She shares them between 2 boys so that when one boy gets 3 papers, the other boy gets 1 paper. How many papers does each boy get?

5. Share $4.05 in the ratio 1:4.

Life as a Vagrant

The heat of the morning sun woke me from a restless sleep. Already I could feel the uneasy stares of Bridgetown’s pedestrians as they eyed me with scorn. I couldn’t blame them. It was at least 4 days since my last bath and a few weeks since my teeth or hair were brushed. I looked like an untidy mess.
My oversized clothes were tattered and stained. My feet were bare and black. My fingernails were sticky with last night’s food. There was nothing pleasant about my looks, but I tried to smile.
An old lady approached me. I made sure to lower my eyes so she would not be scared of me. She looked at me and came slowly closer.
“Young man, I will be going into this store, but when I’m done, I’ll be right back to help you.” With that, she walked away. I did not take her too seriously. People were always promising me things. “I’m back,” she said. There she stood with a plastic bag. I could see soaps, lotions and even a brand new towel in her Woolworth bag. In the kindest voice she explained that she was part of a church group and she invited me to go to the church’s shelter to clean up.
I happily went with her. I got myself cleaned up and a gentleman even gave me a haircut. I looked like a brand new man! I smiled at my reflection. Maybe I was a little handsome!
The people at the church explained to me that they would offer days like this once a week. Even though I would still be homeless, it felt great to know that there were kind people out there who were willing to help me!


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