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Kailee Knight - Week 1 & Week 2


Activity 1: Spelling

1. by

2. thing

3. because

4. house

5. some

6. would

7. him

8. long

9. run

10. other

Activity 2: 

Activity 3:

Activity 4:


One day, Jake and his friends were playing with his pet dog. He saw something small and black in the dog's fur. "That's a tick!" his friend shouted. Jake felt scared. 

 Ticks are tiny animals. They are family to spiders. They live in grass but also on bigger animals. Some ticks bite animals and some ticks bite people. They are small and hard to see. A tick is as small as a pin. 

You must be careful with ticks because they can make you or your animals very sick. 

1. Jake was playing with his __________ and his  ______. 

2. Why did Jake feel scared?

3. Ticks are family to _ _ _ _ _ r s.

4. Name 2 places where ticks live. 

5. What size is a tick?

6. We should be careful with ticks because ________________________________________. 

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

1. because

2. when

3. from

4. good

5. see

6. purple

7. come

8. little

9. red

10. ask

Missing Letters (Fruits)

Unscramble the Emotions


New Words: 



Cars were first made more than 100 years ago. Cars are also called automobiles. There are many different types of cars. Some are race cars. 
Race cars are made to go at very fast speeds. Only very good drivers should drive race cars because they can be dangerous. Race cars are built low to the ground and have no back seat. 
All cars have an engine, brakes and wheels. 

1. Cars are also called ____________________. 

2. Race cars can be ___________________. 

3. Why do you think race cars can be dangerous?

Monday, August 23, 2021

Activity 1: Find the Word

Rhyme & Spell

Fire trucks are very important. They help to take firefighters to homes and places where there may be large fires. Fire trucks have ladders, hoses and water to help fight the fire. They shoot lots of water onto the fire.

Most firetrucks are red but in some places they are yellow. This is to make sure that we see them.

We know when fire trucks are coming because of the loud siren. When we hear the siren we must get out of the way very fast. They are off to save homes, people and even animals.

1. What are two things that you would find on a fire truck?

2. Why is the water important?

3. Why are most firetrucks red?

4. Why are sirens important?

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

    Spelling Test

1. because

2. look

3. some 

4. blue

5. after

6. then

7. what

8. school

Rhyme & Spell

How many syllables does each word have?

1. Fish 

2. Pear

3. Chicken 

4. Spaghetti 

5. Cheese 

6. Candy 

7. Bread 

8. Carrot


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