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Video Comprehension

  Questions  1. What are the two other names given to the Taino? 2. Explain how Jamaica got its name.  3. What does 'indigenous' mean?  4. Explain the importance of the rivers to the Taino.  5. How did the Cacique's home differ to that of the ordinary Tainos? 6. Why were the Tainos described as "very religious"? 7. In 1494, the Taino way of life changed forever. Explain why this was so. 
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Homeschool - February 26 - March 1

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Saturday Classes 2024

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TERM 2 - 2024 - SCIENCE

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Term 2 - 2024 - MATH (CLASS 4)

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Homeschool Last Week 2023

  1)      3 x (6 + 7)                                                2)      5 × 3 × 2 3)      72 ÷ 9 + 7                                                  4)      2 + 7 × 5 5)      9 + 8 − 7                                                   6)      9 − 32 ÷ 4 7)      5 x (10 − 1)                                              8)        48 ÷ (4 + 4) 9)       (6 + 25 − 7) ÷ 6                                      10)     (6 − 4) × 49 ÷ 7    A Sad Song About Greenwich Village She lives in a garret Up a haunted stair, And even when she’s frightened There’s nobody to care. She cooks so small a dinner She dines on the smell, And even if she’s hungry There’s nobody to tell. She sweeps her musty lodging As the dawn steals near, And even when she’s crying There’s nobody to hear. I haven’t seen my neighbor Since a long time ago, And even if she’s dead There’s nobody to know. Questions 1. What word would you use to describe the old woman? ________________________________________________________