This lesson contains many important terms. Be prepared to make note of them.
Use the video below to write a CLEAR DEFINITION of sustainable development. Then, in your own words, explain why this is important.
Proper Practices in Resource Development
Proper practices are to do with managing the safe and sustainable use of resources. This is sometimes referred to as conservation.
Sustainability and conservation are all about making the best use of resources for future generations.
Agricultural Land: Proper and Improper Practices
Proper practices ensure that agricultural land is as productive as possible.
For example, ploughing is a great way to conserve water.
Tip: Research now the benefits of ploughing land.
Also, adding organic matter to the soil maintains the levels of plant nutrients and improves soil condition.
These techniques can be used to ensure high yields and improve a country's food security and food self-sufficiency.
Tip: Research now what is meant by 'food security'. Make a note of it.
Improper Practices
Negative effects of farming practices mainly affect soil quality and lead to soil erosion.
- overgrazing
- overcropping
- slash and burn technique
Let's look at the reasons why deforestation occurs. Complete the exercise below and then we will discuss.
The effects of proper forestry practices are helpful because a forest constantly produces resources.
Activity: Search online to find 6 resources which are supplied through our forests.
Proper forest management usually involves limiting the number of trees tgat are removed and ensuring that new trees are planted to replace those which have been cut. This is called REFORESTATION. This is normally done in the Caribbean after natural disasters.
Improper practices
The main negative practice here is deforestation. This is the indiscriminate removal of trees without replanting. When areas of forest are removed, the surface is likely to experience Caribbean countries, deforestation occurs when large areas are cleared for development.
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Sustainable Development & Marine Life
Marine Life & the Environment
The major effect of following proper fishing practices is that the stocks of marine life are maintained and the resource is used sustainably.
We rely on marine life for much of the animal protein in our diets and fishing provides income for fishermen and employment for those associated in the industry.
A well-maintained marine environment also offers attractions to tourists.
Improper Practices
A major problem in the Caribbean is overfishing. This is the taking of a large number of fish of a particular species, or taking fish before they reach maturity, to the point where the fish population cannot reproduce itseld in sufficient numbers to be sustainable.
As a consequence, the number of fish declines and the species may disappear from some areas altogether.
Destructive Fishing
Another improper practice is the use of destructive fishing techniques where, for example, people use explosives to kill fish.
The explosions damage the marine environment at the same time as killing the fish, which means loss of marine animal habitat.
Illegal fishing
What is illegal fishing?
ILLEGAL FISHING refers to fishing activities conducted by foreign vessels without permission in waters under the jurisdiction of another state, or which contravene its fisheries law and regulations in some other manner.
As a result of illegal fishing, there are laws to govern:
- the granting of licenses
-the establishment of sanctuary areas and close seasons
-the right to fish in territorial waters
Additional improper practices:
- the disposal of untreated sewage into the sea
-ships washing out tanks at sea
- improper practices at wetlands
Wetlands are the link between land and water and are some of the most productive ecosystems in the world.
Depending on the type of wetland, it may be filled mostly with trees, grasses, shrubs or moss.
Some wetlands, like vernal pools, are actually dry at certain times of the year. Wetlands, rivers and floodplains have many important functions that benefit people and wildlife like providing habitat for a wide variety and number of wildlife and plants; filtering, cleaning and storing water; collecting and holding flood waters; absorbing wind and tidal forces; and providing places of beauty and recreation.
You have been asked to give evidence to a planning committee that is considering an application to build a new tourist hotel and resort by draining an area of wetland.
Your presentation needs to explain:
-the value of the natural functions of the wetland
- the ways in which it currently contributes to the economy
- the negative impact of draining the wetland
Tuesday, September 5, 2022
11. Country A has a rich and varied marine life, living in a beautiful but fragile marine environment.
a. Explain two ways in which the marine life and marine environment might contribute to the economy of Country A.
b. Fishing in Country A suffers because of a number of improper practices. Describe two improper fishing practices and explain the short and long-term consequences they might have.
c. What strategies and legislation can the government of Country A employ in order to maintain fish stocks in their territorial waters?
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