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Homeschool Week 5 Feb 7th - Feb 11th



I am ready and prepared for this week!

I am eager to learn!

I am happy to be here!

Abdul News Story: 

Samir News Story

There are many African songs which are becoming very popular. The song below is in Zulu. Can you guess what it is about?

Passive to Active Voice 

Please pay attention to your TENSES. 

1. No interest in sports has been shown by the children. 

2. The trash was being removed by the volunteers. 

3. A delicious brunch was enjoyed by the three sisters.

4. We are being taken to the cinema by our uncle.

5. The house was cleaned by the men.

6. Worksheets were done daily by the class.

7. Ideas were articulate expressed by her.

8. Boisterous behaviour is displayed by the children. 

Mid-Term Tests begin next week

Due: Wednesday, February 9th

Prepare a speech and presentation for the class on one of the African countries below. You have 2 days to complete it. 

Your speech should aim to teach us information about the country. It should include: 

1. A brief history of the country
2. The races of people found there
3. The languages of the people
4. Their cultural and religious practices
5. At least 4 'fast facts'

Your presentation should show:

- pictures of the national dish or local delicacies of the country
- a hand-drawn and coloured image of the country's flag 

Countries to choose from:

a. Botswana
b. Senegal
c. Lesotho
d. Zimbabwe

**Please have your favourite book to read in class tomorrow**

Tuesday, February 10, 2022


I am ready and prepared for this week!

I am eager to learn!

I am happy to be here!

Could you do this job?

Easy Spelling Test

Composition - Understanding Characters


Write a composition based on one of the following topics. In your story, your main character should learn a particular lesson. 

1.  A Terrifying Experience

2.  The Worst Birthday Ever

3. A Horrible Vacation

Geometry Review

Area of Triangles

4. Find the area of a triangle whose base is 16 inches and the height is 11 inches. 


- Continue working on your African assignment. 

- Prepare for Geometry test on Thursday.

Presentation Time

After finishing his lunch one Sunday afternoon, Robin decided to take a walk out to the thick jungle area about thirty kilometers away from his isolated home situated in the outskirts of the city and away from the main road. Enjoying the cool breeze, Robin followed the routes that he knew like the back of his hand. As he walked along with his dog following closely and faithfully behind him, Robin looked out for the various species of birds and insects. Spotting one particularly unique-looking bird, Robin ran after it. Jumping over a log, he accidentally stepped into a ditch and felt something roll beneath his feet.

Almost instantly, Robin felt an intense pain in his right foot. Looking down, he saw the huge head of a rattlesnake, its jaws tightly clamped over his entire foot. Through his blinding pain, however, Robin was aware that his dog, Jimmy, was trying desperately to get the snake off his foot. The little dog's efforts seemed to prove futile until in utter desperation, Jimmy tore at the serpent's head. Then and only then did the snake release its grip and slither off into the bushes.

Grateful to his faithful dog, Robin sank to the ground. He dimly remembered his father saying that panic would cause the venom to rush to the head at a much faster speed. Hanging on to his rationality, the young boy tried to survey his options. His foot was beginning to swell and had already gone numb. In his condition, Robin knew that he would not be able to make the thirty-kilometer walk back home.

Robin's father was watching television when his youngest son came running in with the words, "Robin got bitten by a snake!" Without a word, Bob Hayes jumped up and followed his son into the kitchen. Robin was lying unconscious on the floor while his mother sat sobbing beside him. Being bitten by rattlesnakes was not an unusual occurrence. Their home was in close proximity to the jungle area. However, thus far, Bob had only encountered such incidents with his farm animals. Seeing his son lying on the floor with a huge bluish gash in his foot, Bob was at a loss as to what to do. With their home so far away from the city and the hospital, Bob knew that the only thing that might possibly save his son was to drive him to the hospital himself since calling an ambulance would take too long.

Aware that his son's life depended on how quickly he could reach the hospital, Bob drove as fast as he could. At the hospital, both doctors and nurses worked untiringly on Robin who was in a serious condition. The venom had prevented his blood from clotting, thus causing internal bleeding. Robin had stopped breathing on his own for almost a minute. The doctors feared the worst -- he could bleed to death.

At the end of a seven-hour operation, doctors were not very hopeful about Robin's survival. Nevertheless, Bob and his wife refused to give up and sat by Robin's bedside praying for his recovery.

On the fifth day, their prayers were answered. Robin regained consciousness and after a few hours, he was able to talk to his parents. It was apparent to the doctors that there was no damage to the brain and doctors pronounced him fully recovered.



Answer the following questions using complete sentences



Quote the six-word phrase from the first paragraph that has the same meaning as 'very well'.



Robin 'felt something roll beneath his feet' (paragraph 1). What was it ?



How did Robin get his foot released from the jaws of the snake ?



What is the meaning of 'dimly' (paragraph 3) ?



What should a victim do right after being bitten by a venomous snake according to paragraph 5 ? Explain why he should do that.



Why was Robin not able to walk back home ? Give two reasons.



Explain clearly why the writer says being bitten by a rattlesnake was not an 'unusual occurrence' for the family.



Why did Bob take Robin to the hospital instead of waiting for the ambulance ?



Explain how a victim can die from a rattlesnake bite.



How did the doctors determine Robin was free from brain damage ?


1. Parker runs around a square field of side 58m. Josh runs around a rectangular field with length 170m and width 120m. Who covers more distance and by how much?

2. Find the area of a triangle whose base is 4 cm and the altitude is 3.5 cm. 


4. Mrs. Bell cuts a 25 cm by 6 cm cloth into 5 equal pieces.

What is the area of each piece?

5. A wall measures 25cm by 20cm. It is to be completely covered by tiles which measure 2.5cm by 2 cm. How many tiles will it take to completely cover the wall?


Problem Solving

1. During a hailstorm, one-quarter of the cars parked on a lot was dented. Which percent is equivalent to the fraction of cars that were dented?

2. Three friends were playing a game of marbles. At the end of the game, Marcy had 25% of the marbles, Roger had half of the marbles, and Ann had the rest of the marbles. If there were 100 marbles altogether, how many marbles did Ann have at the end of the game?

3. David discovered that 1/4 of the 432 members of his book club bought a certain book. How many people bought the book?

4. Cece drew a rectangle that was 3.4 centimeters wide and 7.1 centimeters long. What is the area of the rectangle? 

5. What is the area of the shape below?



8. Write 12/25 as a percentage. 

Please type your homework answers in the chat.

Please use your notes and examples to help you. 


Cloze Passage

Context Clues

Without using a dictionary, give the word closest in meaning to the one underlined.

(A) Margaret had ambivalent feelings about attending the concert. She knew
she’d enjoy the music, but she didn’t really want to go out in the rainy
a. mixed     b. angry     c. distrustful

(B) Unlike my parents, who love classical music, I detest it.

a. love     b. hate     c. perform

(C) Regular exercise is beneficial to your body, but too much exercise is not
good for you.
a. helpful     b. harmful     c. pleasant

(D) The abandoned house was infested with vermin, including rats, fleas, and
a. pests     b. animals     c. insects

(E) Mary sneered at the ugly sweater. “Wow,” she said. “That is just hideous.
a. expensive     b. cheap     c. unattractive

(F) Timothy cleaned his room so thoroughly that not a single particle of dust remained. Nothing was out of place, nor was there even the smallest bit of dirt or grime on any surface.

a. small amount b. package c. leftover 

Read the sentences below. Read the underlined word in the sentence. Circle the answer choice that has the same meaning as the underlined word. 

 1. The student replied to the teacher with a witty answer and the class laughed. 
 A. funny B. mean C. word 

2. I looked at my brother with a glare after he broke my toy. 
 A. confusing     B. dirty look     C. difficult 

3. Fireworks on the 4th of July give off a beautiful glimmer in the sky. 
 A. glow     B. bright     C. look 

4. When we go camping, my father will ignite the fire so we can roast marshmallows. 
 A. start     B. call     C. see 

5. He chose to delete the unhealthy foods from his meal and make better choices. 
 A. include     B. make more     C. remove 

6. My grandpa will doze during television shows he watches when he is tired. 

 A. cheer     B. nap     C. discuss 

7. The curious puppy emptied the bag while he sniffed around looking for something to chew. A. problem     B. interested     C. happy

 8. Each day during the spring there is a slight increase in temperature until summer arrives.
 A. small     B. increase     C. bright 

9. The tower will topple if it has too much weight at the top. 
 A. pounds     B. grow     C. fall over 

10. The students who put in the best effort will be included in the celebration. 
 A. attitude     B. hard work     C. completion


Active and Passive Voice / Verb Forms


Activity 2: Word Formation



 Josephine has seen the tape, ______ she?
2. I have to return the rice cooker within seven days of my purchase ______ I will not get a refund.
  (D)or else 
3. They looked into each other's eyes ______ they sipped the champagne.
4. I just ______ that I have something important to tell you. Now, what was it ?
  (A)had remembered 
  (C)were remembering 
  (D)is remembering 
5. Yvonne ______ to the scarf store to find a red scarf to match her red hat.
  (D)is going 
6. "He ______ was the best math teacher this school could find," said Headmaster Finkle.
7. "I need a contract that has to be ______ possible to cover all grounds," said Mary to her lawyer.
(B)more specific
  (C)most specific 
  (D)as specific as 
8. The headmistress promised ______ a long break after a stressful semester.
9. "Charlie ______ the tree to get his kite that is stuck there," said his sister.
  (B)has climbed 
  (C)is climbing 
10. Kenny and Kendra ______ fraternal twins.

Replace the underlined words with a synonym.

 11. My goal is to get to university.   

12. The business got bigger.   

13. It's not suitable here.   

14. It isn't connected to my work.   

15. It's part of normal life.   

16. I speak Chinese very well.   

17. The story is complex.



 His father reprimanded him for missing his piano lesson.


19. We had already checked out when my uncle telephoned the hotel.


20. Our teacher expects us to confess to our wrongdoing.



You are a junior journalist. 
You are presenting on a special news feature entitled, " Fast Facts with The Maasai". Write 4/5 facts you have found about the Maasai. 

Step 1: Watch this video

Helpful Links

Look for Masai diet


Skill: Vocabulary & Context Clues

Context clues are used to help decipher the meanings of words in the absence of a dictionary. Write a synonym for the words in bold type based on the clues given in the sentences below. 

  1. Degrade: Suzie’s mother taught her to never let anyone degrade her, so now she demands respect in all of her relationships. _________________________

  2. Frivolous: My mom wanted to get the red napkins for the party and my dad wanted the blue napkins, but I’m not even concerned about such frivolous things. _________________________

    1.  Morsel: The dogs were so hungry that they would have killed one another for a morsel of meat. ________________________

    2. Fretful: My mom always worries about my grades and the colleges that I’ll be able to attend, but if she were a little less fretful she’d be a lot more fun. __________________________

    3. Appall: John had seen horror movies before, but when he saw Bloodcore 6, he was so appalled by the bloodshed that he wrote the newspapers warning parents not to allow their children to see this movie. _______________________

    4. Simultaneous: Few were impressed by Kirstin’s presentation, “How to Walk and Chew Gum at the Same Time,” even though Kirstin was able to simultaneously walk and chew gum. _____________________

    5. Reluctant: As Kevin remembered the promise he made earlier, he reluctantly agreed to help Jennie move her stuff into her new apartment. _________________________

    6. profound: His reading abilities have improved in a profound way since he stopped playing around in class and started doing his homework every night.________________________

    7. transparent: You don't want to wrap your presents in plastic wrap because plastic wrap is transparent and everyone will know what you got. _________________________

    8. . cease: James, you need to cease tapping your pencil because other people are trying to concentrate._________________________

    Sleep is a very important part of staying healthy. When you are asleep, your brain uses that time to take care of itself. Some scientists think your brain sorts things out when you sleep and that it also replaces the chemicals it needs. 

    The rest of your body needs sleep, too. While you are sleeping, your body stays busy by using that time to heal itself. It also uses that time to build up your immune system, which is the system your body uses to fight off germs. Your body also uses your sleep time to build up muscles, bones, and tissues so that you can grow. Sleep helps you think clearly and stay in a better mood. That helps you to cope better with a busy day.

    1. How does sleep help the human brain?

    2. What happens to your body when you sleep?

    3. What is the purpose of your immune system?

    4. How does sleep affect your mood?

    5. Give a word to replace ‘cope’. 

    6. What part of speech is ‘itself’ (line 2).


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